Naturaled Built-in Z10 Receptacle

WILD on Wikipedia

[March 6, 2023 ] — When researching the rich history of lighting design, most resources promote male designers that made major contributions. Despite this, we know that many women have helped lead the lighting industry into the rich, diverse, and welcoming place it is today.

Who were these female leaders? That’s the question a group of designers at Lam Partners asked themselves; and in collaboration with Lytei & Luxsi, they curated a list of notable women in the lighting industry and engaged in over 30 insightful interviews with distinguished female professionals, including designers, manufacturers, and researchers. Motivated by the significance of sharing this rich knowledge, the team envisioned a grander project – to immortalize the contributions of women in lighting into the records of the most accessible and widely utilized online resource, Wikipedia.

Embracing this opportunity, Women in Lighting + Design has partnered with the team and taken up the initiative, and now invites its membership and chapters to contribute to this endeavor. By researching and developing Wikipedia pages for the unsung heroes, we can ensure their legacies are not only remembered but celebrated.

Join us in this vital initiative to bridge the gender gap in the lighting design industry. Let’s empower the next generation of designers by making their role models more visible. Together, we can create a brighter, more inclusive future.


Webinar – Wednesday, March 27th at 1 PM ET,



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