Search: light and health

Interviews + Opinion, Lighting Industry

Interview: Korrus’s CEO On The Recent Acquisition Of Circadian ZircLight

Korrus is the company that owns Ecosense, Soraa, Scuva, Tempo Industries, and now Circadian ZircLight. They focus on “Human Light Interaction (HLI),” which they define as seeking to understand human interactions with light, and creating technologies that better serve the needs of those humans.

Light + Health, Products + Technology

Product Monday: It’s Not A Window, It’s LightGlass

LIGHTGLASS is a windowlight, an architectural element that brings the experience of a daylit window into any space. Through the integration of the latest LED lighting technology into the form and materials of a window, LIGHTGLASS is nearly indiscernible from a real window.

Legislation + Regulation, Light + Health

Congress Debates Daylight Savings Time

Linda Longo, at US Lighting Trends, summarized the issues involved in proposed legislation to make Daylight Savings Time permanent and year-round, in the US.

Light + Health, Research

Circadian Lighting Pioneer Says The Science Isn’t Ready Yet

Mark Halper has an interesting article in LED’s Magazine interviewing Russell Foster, the scientist who predicted the non-visual receptors in the eye that are involved in the circadian response to light (pRGCs / ipRGCs). He says circadian lighting science isn’t ready yet, and there are too many unknowns.

Lighting Industry, Products + Technology

Acuity Enters The LED Horticultural Lighting Market

Acuity Brands, Inc. (NYSE: AYI) announced the launch of Verjure, a professional-grade horticultural LED fixture series, for indoor applications.

Light + Health, Research

UK-Funded Study Publishes “Consensus View” For Circadian Lighting Recommendations

On March 17th, 18 circadian lighting researchers published a “consensus view” of circadian lighting recommendations, titled: Recommendations for daytime, evening, and nighttime indoor light exposure to best support physiology, sleep, and wakefulness in healthy adults, in the journal PLOS Biology. The authors include well-known circadian lighting researchers, George Brainard and Steven Lockley.

Controls, Interviews + Opinion

Signify’s Rahul Shira Talks Luminaire-Level Lighting Controls

I recently had the opportunity to interview Rahul Shira, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Signify, on the topic of luminaire-level lighting controls (LLLC). Transcript follows.

Education + Resources, Lighting Design, Lighting Industry

New Lighting Designer Directory Published By

Last month, lighting industry news website,, published a new Lighting Designer Directory. To find out more about this new industry resource, I interviewed Al Uszynski, Editor & Publisher of

Light + Health, Research

Two New Sleep Studies Show Impacts Of Light On Young Children and Adults

Two new studies, one on young children, the other on adults, suggest detrimental health effects of light at night.

Controls, Light + Health

Product Monday: Orro Incorporates Circadian Lighting Control Into A Smart Switch Platform

While there are a lot of smart wall switches in the market, Orro has innovated by adding automated circadian lighting scheduling with many of the other features that you’d expect from a premium smart switch.


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ArchLIGHT Summit
American Lighting Association Annual Conference
SALC IES – Street & Area Lighting Conference
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