
Naturaled Built-in Z10 Receptacle

Industry News

Happy Birthday, Tesla!

Today is Nikola Tesla’s birthday.

Light-Art Concert

On December 19, 2008, the Jena Philharmonic Orchestra in Jena, Germany, performed works by composers Alexander Scriabin, Igor Stravinsky and Georg Friedrich Haas in a concert hall filled with 170…

NEMA Publishes Two Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment Standards

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has published two new roadway and area lighting equipment standards, ANSI C136.25-2009 Ingress Protection (Resistance to Dust, Solid Objects, and Moisture) for Luminaire Enclosures…

Left 4 Dead Game Uses Lighting to Instill Fear and Horror

Hat tip to Jim on Light for this one, courtesy of one of his readers … As a fan of zombie movies, I’ve played this game and I have to…

People: Keith Ward Joins Luminus as President and CEO

Keith T.S. Ward has joined LED company Luminus Devices Inc. as its new president, CEO and member of the board of directors. Previously, he was president and COO of EYE…

Lighting Controls Association Offers New Online Course on LED Lighting Control

The Lighting Controls Association (LCA) has announced that EE300: Lighting Control of LEDs has been added to the Association’s popular online Education Express distance education courses. Residing at the Association’s…

LightNOW Comments Run Against “BUG,” A Classification System for Outdoor Light Fixtures

Back in April, I posted about BUG (Backlight, Uplight, Glare), a new classification system for outdoor light fixtures currently being promoted by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA). Based on the…

Happy July 4!

Happy Independence Day to all our American readers!

NRDC: American Clean Energy Leadership Act Will Save Americans Average $6/Month

According to an analysis released today by the Natural Resources Defense Council, Americans across the country will save on their monthly electricity bill under the American Clean Energy Leadership Act.…

Cree CEO Chuck Swoboda Meets with President Obama to Talk about LED Lighting

Today, Chuck Swoboda, CEO of Cree, a manufacturer of LED products, joined President Obama at the White House to discuss the latest developments in energy-efficient technologies. Swoboda and seven other…


LEDucation 2025
High Point Market
LightFair 2025
Lightovation – Dallas Market Center
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