Lutron Electronics Co., Inc. has announced the formation of a new Energy Solutions business unit that will operate in both the public and private sectors to help to accelerate and…
A. J. Glaser, president of HUNT Dimming and the Lighting Controls Association, contributed this article to Consulting-Specifying Engineer, providing an in-depth look at the ASHRAE/IES 90.1 energy standard, where it’s…
New York City has passed significant new legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from existing government, commercial and residential buildings in New York City. The six-point Greener, Greater Buildings Plan,…
Hope you have a safe, fun holiday and a prosperous 2010.
Great video showing how fluorescent lamps are produced, courtesy of the Discovery Channel.
The European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC) has announced the publication of the second edition of Photonics Essentials by EPIC’s General Secretary Thomas Pearsall. Photonics Essentials, published by McGraw-Hill Professional (ISBN…
Following its highest mark since August 2008, the Architecture Billings Index (ABI) dropped more than three points in November. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) reported the November ABI rating…
Philips Color Kinetics has announced it has become a reseller of the complete portfolio of Pharos control solutions. Ranging from scalable lighting playback controllers to audio/video controls, all that utilize…
Here, here and here. What do you think? Maybe the answer is it’s transformational, but not worth the cost in applications other than high-end projects. Has BIM impacted your business?…
Construction spending during October 2009 was estimated at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $910.8 billion, about the same as the revised September estimate of $910.4 billion and 14.4% below…