
Industry News

2010 IES Progress Report Available Online

The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America has published the results from the 2010 IES Progress Report, announced at the 2010 IES Annual Conference in Toronto, Ontario, November 7 –…

Product Monday: TAG White And Color-Changing Floodlighting by Wide-Lite

Wide-Lite has unveiled the TAG family of architectural white light and color-changing floodlighting products in both round and linear housings. The color-changing units include Wide-Lite’s push-button Color-Tune technology for easy…

November Issues of LightNOW Published

Check out the stories here (issue #1) and here (issue #2). Click here to join the 14,300+ lighting professionals who receive LightNOW in their in-box every month. Subscription is free,…

University of California Signs Licensing Deal with Philips

The University of California, Davis, has signed a co-exclusive license agreement with Philips to commercialize inventions that reduce the cost and increase the reliability of daylight harvesting systems. The license…

New York State Tax Department Backs Away From Retroactive Sales Tax Enforcement

From the November issue of IALD Reflections, revealing a victory for the lighting design community, and illustrating the effectiveness of the industry banding together to lobby government based on common…

Howard Brandston on LEARNING TO SEE

In 2008, it was my honor to work with legendary lighting designer Howard Brandston on editing LEARNING TO SEE: A Matter of Light, which was subsequently published by IES. If…

Jim Brodrick on Potential Health Effects of LED Streetlighting

Guest post by Jim Brodrick, Department of Energy You may recall that not too long ago, there was some mention in the news media about possible negative health effects of…

Army Announces New Policies on Energy Efficiency

Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and the Environment Katherine Hammack issued a new policy memorandum to improve high performance green buildings standards for the Army. “Energy security,…

Product Monday: Loft Direct/Indirect Luminaires by Corelite

Loft, the latest addition to the Corelite line of architectural direct/indirect luminaires, introduces three new options including a new micro-linear prismatic lens for high efficiency up to 95% and superior…

Focal Point Announces New Agent in New York City

Focal Point LLC, the Chicago-based architectural lighting manufacturer, is now represented by SLS (Specification Lighting Sales) in New York City. This partnership will allow Focal Point to further develop its…


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