Search: light and health

Craig’s Lighting Articles, Lighting Design

Lighting for Senior Facilities

Nearly 50 million people aged 65 and over live in the United States, with about 1 million living in more than 30,000 assisted-living communities, according to the National Center for Assisted Living. They can be challenging for lighting design, as the visual system undergoes physiological changes with age that can reduce visual acuity and color discrimination while heightening sensitivity to glare.

Events, Lighting Industry

5 Lighting Leaders Share Vision of Industry’s Future

The 2nd Trends in Lighting (TiL), co-hosted with the LED Professional Symposium +Expo (LpS), saw lighting designers, innovators, architects and planners come together with technologists, engineers and researchers in Bregenz, Austria. At a press conference during the event, five industry leaders spoke about the future of lighting.

Products + Technology

Product Monday: Healthcare Luminaires by Waldmann

Waldmann recently introduced STELLAR recessed ceiling luminaires, available in 2×2-foot and 2×4-foot configurations, STELLAR DUO dual recessed luminaires, designed specifically for hospital bed lighting, and the low- profile CRESCENT night light and touch keypad NAVIGATOR multi-function controller.

Craig’s Lighting Articles

Trends in Outdoor Lighting

The major technological shift to the LED light source has had a major impact on the outdoor stationary lighting market. In its latest solid-state lighting energy savings forecast, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) continued to recognize area and roadway lighting market as leading in LED adoption. In this market, DOE estimated 21 percent LED penetration in the installed base in 2015, projecting 91 percent by 2025.

Craig’s Lighting Articles, Light + Health

Getting to Know the WELL Building Standard

My monthly lighting column for ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR covers the WELL Building Standard, which aims to promote building design that supports human health and wellness.

Craig’s Lighting Articles, Lighting Design

Lighting for Patient Rooms

One of my contributions to the August issue of tED Magazine is an application story about how to light patient rooms in healthcare buildings.

Craig’s Lighting Articles

A Fresh Look at Office Lighting

What’s new in office lighting? Find out by reading this article I wrote for the July issue of tED Magazine.

Codes + Standards, Light + Health

IWBI Releases V2 of WELL Building Standard

The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) recently unveiled the WELL v2 pilot, the next version of its WELL Building Standard, the first building rating system to focus exclusively on the impacts of buildings on human health and wellness.

Craig’s Lighting Articles, Light + Health

Circadian Lighting 101

Circadian lighting describes lighting systems designed to support human health by stimulating the body’s circadian system. While a young trend, it is potentially transformative in how we design and use lighting. This article provides a basic introduction to the topic.

Interviews + Opinion

Current Powered by GE’s Teresa Bair Talks Outdoor Lighting Trends

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Teresa Bair, Product General Manager – Outdoor and Industrial Lighting, Current, powered by GE. The topic: trends in LED outdoor area lighting.


IES 24 – The Lighting Conference
ArchLIGHT Summit
American Lighting Association Annual Conference
SALC IES – Street & Area Lighting Conference
DLC Controls Summit
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