LED + SSL, Products + Technology

Product Monday: Cylindra LED Series Track Luminaires by Juno Lighting

Juno has unveiled Cylindra LED Series track luminaires, available in high- and medium-lumen packages to offer performance similar to 75W PAR30 and 50W MR16 halogen luminaires, respectively, while consuming less than one-third of the energy. Available in 3000K and 4100K color temperatures, minimum 80 CRI, three beam spreads, integral switch, and white, black or silver [...]

Awards, LED + SSL, Products + Technology

Lithonia Lighting RTLED Luminaire Named Best LED Interior Commercial Product at LED Show

Lithonia Lighting received an award for best interior commercial product for the RTLED luminaire from theLEDshow, a mini-convention and lighting industry consortium focused on marketing and promoting LED and solid-state lighting., held in August 2010 The award honors LED lighting that is innovative, provides a high-quality of light output and eliminates cumbersome installation processes. First [...]

Awards, Controls, LED + SSL, Products + Technology

Lighting for Tomorrow Residential Product Award Winners Announced

The eighth annual Lighting for Tomorrow competition awarded the best-designed energy-efficient lighting products in the residential market. In addition to the expansion of the solid-state lighting (SSL) competition to include replacement lamps, 2010 featured a brand new lighting controls competition. Lighting for Tomorrow challenged manufacturers to continue to improve their design of SSL fixtures and [...]

Awards, LED + SSL, Products + Technology

Product Monday: Curve by Finelite

The Curve by Finelite is a portable LED desk lamp that won Best in Class in the 2009 DOE LED Next Generation Luminaire (NGL) design competition as the highest ranked entry and will be featured in the 2010 IES Progress Report. Achieving nearly 50 lumens/W luminaire efficacy, the NGL judges commend on the overall “delicate [...]

LED + SSL, People

People: Aldo Kamper Appointed CEO of OSRAM Opto Semiconductors

Starting today, Aldo Kamper is succeeding Dr. Rüdiger Müller who, after heading the optoelectronic semiconductor business for 22 years at OSRAM and formerly at Siemens, is retiring. Kamper started his professional career at OSRAM in 1994 after completing his business administration studies. Between 1999 and 2006, he held executive positions at OSRAM Opto Semiconductors in [...]

LED + SSL, Lighting Industry

Lunera Announces LED Luminaires Now Listed on GSA Schedule

Lunera Lighting, Inc., an LED lighting manufacturer, recently announced that its LED luminaires are now available for purchase on the General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule. The GSA Schedule program provides access to over 11 million commercial products and services at volume discount pricing. To qualify for the GSA Schedule program, all approved vendor products must [...]

LED + SSL, Lighting Industry

Leotek Relocates U.S. Headquarters in Silicon Valley, California

Leotek, a developer of LED technology, has announced the relocation of the company’s headquarters and U.S. manufacturing operations to a new, larger facility in Silicon Valley, California housing the company’s manufacturing, warehousing adn distribution operations in addition to support departments. According to the company, the move is intended to accommodate growth in the company’s core [...]

Education + Resources, Events, LED + SSL

CIE/USA Announces Seminars on Photometry, Colorimetry and Application of Solid-State Lighting on November 10, 2010

CIE/USA, the U.S. National Committee of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE), is offering a one-day series of seminars on the photometry, colorimetry and application of solid-state lighting. Experts will present: * basic concepts * advanced techniques * state of the art research on the characterization and measurement of light and lighting * discussions of [...]


Jim Brodrick on Lighting Facts Program

Guest Post by Jim Brodrick, U.S. Department of Energy It’s been a while since I’ve written about DOE’s Lighting Facts® program in these Postings, and there have been some major milestones and developments, so I thought I’d give you an update on what’s been going on. You’ll recall that we launched the program in December [...]


Jim Brodrick on Why DOE is Focusing on SSL

Guest post by Jim Brodrick, U.S. Department of Energy I frequently get the following question. “Why does DOE concentrate its efforts on solid-state lighting rather than on other technologies?” The simple answer is that the DOE program is specifically Congressionally-mandated and that both DOE and the Congress recognize the significant energy-saving potential of this technology, [...]


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