Jim Brodrick on the Performance of Flicker Meters

Republication of Postings from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solid-State Lighting Program by Jim Brodrick, SSL Program Manager, U.S. Department of Energy All conventional light sources modulate luminous flux and intensity — i.e., they flicker — to some degree. Flicker is garnering increasing attention from lighting designers and specifiers, the standards and specification community, [...]

LED + SSL, Lighting Industry

Trends in LED Outdoor Luminaire Design

My contribution to the March issue of The Electrical Distributor tackled a big subject–trends in LED outdoor luminaire design. Reprinted with permission. Offering higher efficacy, longer life, greater optical control, good quality of light and greater control flexibility, LED lighting stands poised for major penetration in the outdoor stationary lighting market. These luminaires may be [...]

Education + Resources, Events, LED + SSL

LEDucation Announces Speakers

LEDucation, coming March 29-30 to the NY Hilton Midtown in New York City, has announced its speaker lineup, which you can see in detail here. This education event will host 30 sessions and three panel discussions for both beginner and intermediate levels. Register here.


Update on OLED

The LED revolution is really the solid-state lighting revolution, with more than one choice on the menu. The emergence of OLED technology will create new possibilities for lighting design. If successful, OLEDs will become part of the transformation of the built environment and the lighting industry. Click here to read my December 2015 column for [...]


DOE Evaluates White-Tunable LED Lighting

Below is a short article I contributed to the January 2016 issue of tED Magazine, published by the National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED). Reprinted with permission. The U.S. Department of Energy’s CALiPER program has released Report 23: Photometric Testing of White-Tunable LED Luminaires, the first in a planned series on this nascent product category. [...]

Interviews + Opinion, LED + SSL, Products + Technology

Eaton’s Brad Garrett on LED Suspended Luminaires

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Brad Garrett, Director of Marketing, Architectural Products Group, Eaton. The topic: LED suspended luminaires. I’m happy to share his responses with you here. The interview informed an article I wrote for the February 2016 issue of tED. DiLouie: How would you characterize the market for suspended general lighting [...]

LED + SSL, Lighting Industry

GE Breaks Up with the CFL

GE has announced it will discontinue manufacturing compact fluorescent lamps for the U.S. market and focus its consumer lighting efforts on LED replacement lamps by the end of 2016. According to GE, about 15% of consumers have tried LED. By 2020, with steadily declining costs and superior performance compared to CFLs, more than 50% of [...]

Interviews + Opinion, LED + SSL, Products + Technology

Hubbell’s Chris Bailey on LED Optics

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Chris Bailey, LC, LEED AP BD+C, DDI, MIES, Director, Business Development and Product Innovation for Hubbell Lighting, Inc. The topic: optical approaches used with LED illumination products. I’m happy to share his responses with you here. The interview informed an article I wrote for the June 2016 issue [...]


2015 SSL Technology Development Workshop Presentations Posted

The 10th annual DOE Solid-State Lighting Technology Development Workshop, held November 17–18 in Portland, OR, gathered more than 230 attendees to learn the latest on today’s toughest LED lighting issues and find out what’s next on the horizon. Click here to download the presentations from the workshop.


ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR on LED Horticultural Lighting

My lighting column published in the November 2015 issue of ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR explores LED solutions designed to optimize plant growth in horticultural applications. Check it out here.


LEDucation 2025
High Point Market
LightFair 2025
Lightovation – Dallas Market Center
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