The Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (JAMDA) recently published a research study showing long-term care facility falls were reduced 43% by changing light spectrum and intensity throughout the day for residents.
The Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (JAMDA) recently published a research study showing long-term care facility falls were reduced 43% by changing light spectrum and intensity throughout the day for residents.
Products + Technology, Research
LEDs Magazine recently reported that engineers from Cisco are now claiming that light-based communications, known as LiFi, is gaining the capabilities to work around corners and be securely pre-coded to end devices.
Education + Resources, Research
The California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) at UC Davis has established “The Color Lab” in collaboration with the Center for Mind and Brain. The new color lab will explore the impact of discrete color spectra on stress, mood, and alertness.
Scientists have developed an efficient new way to convert methane into methanol at room temperature. The technique could help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide a much cleaner way to make green fuels.
The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) released the “Artificial Light at Night: State of the Science 2022” report, earlier this month. It is a high-level overview of the best scientific understanding of how artificial light at night affects the nighttime environment. It finds the world transformed by electric light in less than 150 years since its introduction.
Research conducted in 2020 indicates that the control of light impacts indoor environmental quality (IEQ)-productivity belief more than other IEQ control.
Enlighted, A Siemens Company has publicly released a partial version of Verdantix’s new whitepaper, Green Quadrant: IoT Platforms for Smart Buildings 2022.
In a newly published study, researchers from Binghamton University’s Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science answer many of the questions about UV disinfection of the virus that causes COVID-19, and lay the foundation for health standards about what offers true disinfection.
Energy + Environment, Research
The COVID-19 pandemic showed just how important focusing on health and wellness is (and will be) for facility managers and construction professionals. A new report from the Urban Land Institute titled “Greening Buildings for Healthier People” examines all the ways resilience, health and wellness, and sustainability match up.
The US EIA that releases the data is part of the US DOE. The 2020 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) provides household characteristics and energy usage indicators for the estimated 123.5 million homes in the United States in 2020.