Current LED Lighting for Data Centers


Products + Technology, Research

Researchers Develop Translucent Aerogel Bricks For Loadbearing Walls

  Glass blocks have been utilized for many decades to create translucent walls or wall sections. However, glass block is not able to create loadbearing walls and is not a good insulating material. A group of Swiss researchers have developed a new aerogel-filled translucent brick that is both highly insulating and can create load-bearing walls. [...]

Dark Sky, Research

How Light Pollution Disrupts Plants

  A lot of research and attention has been given to how light pollution negatively impacts birds, bats, other animals, and insects. Less well known are the negative impacts of light pollution on plants. Most people have seen now bright lights at night attract moths. This can significantly change moth behavior. Artificial light at night [...]

Products + Technology, Research

Bladeless Ceiling Fans?

In February, I published a story about whether a new trend in toroidal propellers could lead to toroidal ceiling fan blades, here. This article became one of the most viewed LightNOW posts of the past year, garnering 10 times the views of a typical post. As a follow up, let’s explore the trend of bladeless ceiling [...]

Light + Health, Research

Important New Research Shows Light Therapy Could Reduce Heart Disease

Researchers at the University of Buffalo have published a study demonstrating that light therapy reduces heart disease in mice. If these results hold true in human trials, this could be an extremely important finding. Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the U.S. One in five Americans dies of heart disease. A simple, [...]

Products + Technology, Research

Researchers Demonstrate Light Filtering Windows That Biomimic Squid Skin

Researchers at the University of Toronto demonstrated a window technology that utilizes multiple layers of plastic sheets that can be filled with different pigments to selectively filter infrared (IR) heat and/or visible light. This approach has the potential to dramatically reduce HVAC energy requirements for buildings. Different layers within the prototype window filter out infrared [...]

Products + Technology, Research

Lumens Develops Stacked R-G-B Micro-LEDs

Korean micro-LED manufacturer, Lumens, announced in January, the development of R-G-B micro-LEDs grown in a stack, on a single wafer / substrate (aka monolithic). The benefits of this approach include reducing the transfer process by two-thirds, reducing costs, and increasing productivity. The first applications for this technology are the micro-LED display markets, including TV, AR, [...]


Introduction to Penn State University’s Lighting Lab

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Alp Durmus, Assistant Professor in the Department of Architectural Engineering at Pennsylvania State University (PSU). Many in the lighting industry know this department as a top academic lighting program in the US, but fewer know about its lighting lab. My tour of the lab’s capabilities was very [...]

Agriculture, Research

Horticultural Lighting To Fight Pests

  An area of growing research and practice is using lighting to help control agricultural pests. This can include horticultural lighting in indoor growing facilities (aka controlled environment agriculture or CEA) or nighttime treatment with specific wavelengths on outdoor crops. Greenhouse growers have long known that introducing supplemental grow lights to greenhouses can dramatically change [...]

Light + Health, Research

Aging Retinas Receive 86% Less Blue Light Compared To Children

New research from the University of Zaragoza in Spain quantifies how the aging eye restricts the amount of circadian light reaching the retina based on photopic illuminance reaching the corneal plane and considering the optical density of an aging crystalline lens. As the researchers state: “As a result of the described behavior, retinal illuminance may [...]

Products + Technology, Research

New Toshiba Phosphor Is Transparent With 6X Luminescence

Toshiba Corporation has unveiled a new photoluminescence technology, a novel phosphor that delivers excellent solubility in polymers or organic solvents, where it is transparent and colorless under visible light, and that emits persistent red-light emissions under UV light, with excellent color purity and six times the luminescence of current phosphors. These characteristics open up many [...]

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