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Lighting Industry

Interviews + Opinion, Lighting Industry, People

ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING’s Video Interviews with Top Lighting Executives

ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING recently published a series of video interviews with some of the lighting industry’s top executives. Check it out here.

Lighting Industry

UL Streamlines Global Market Certification for Portable LED Luminaires

Safety certification and performance testing organization UL recently introduced a new global certification program for portable luminaires, the most popular type of LED luminaires. This is the first time a certified testing laboratory has created a single set of samples and tests that combine the requirements of both North American and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) [...]

Lighting Industry

Lighting Industry Roundup

OSRAM recently announced that despite substantial revenues gains with LED-based products in the third quarter of FY2014, its traditional general lighting business continues to decline, resulting in a marginal decrease in overall revenue. As a result, the company announced a plan to eliminate 7,800 positions globally. Ligman Lighting USA, a manufacturer of specification-grade outdoor luminaires, [...]

Lighting Industry

CSIL Estimates U.S. Luminaire Market at $17.1 Billion

In 2013, the value of the luminaire market in the United States is estimated USD 17.1 billion by the Centre for Industrial Studies (CSIL), with a 5% increase compared to 2012. Imports satisfy about 50% of total consumption (39% some years ago). The top 50 players hold over 50% of the U.S. market. LED lighting [...]

Lighting Industry

HID Lamp Indexes Continue To Slide During Fourth Quarter 2013

NEMA’s shipment indexes for HID lamps continued to decline during 2013Q4. Shipments of sodium vapor lamps fell 5.7% on a seasonally adjusted basis compared to the previous quarter. Metal halide lamps contracted for the seventh consecutive quarter declining 3.6% on a quarterly basis. Following suit, the index for mercury vapor lamps dipped 5.6%. Calendar year [...]

Lighting Industry

Lighting Systems Index Contracts During First Quarter of 2014

NEMA’s Lighting Systems Index declined 1.7% on a quarter-to-quarter (q/q) basis during 2014Q1. Despite the quarterly contraction, shipments of lighting equipment increased 0.9% on a year-over-year (y/y) basis. Emergency lighting, fixtures and miniature lamps registered gains in sales value while ballasts and large lamps declined compared to the first quarter of 2013.

Lighting Industry

Industry News Roundup

Kim Lighting is celebrating its 80th anniversary as a manufacturer of high-performance outdoor lighting. Philips is looking to spin off a standalone company consisting of its Lumileds and automotive lighting business. Philips Lighting will focus on selling integrated systems and related support software and services. More here. Gammalux has relaunched its website, see it here. [...]

Lighting Industry

Your Lighting Brand Launches Web Platform for Lighting Agencies

Your Lighting Brand (YLB), a brand marketing company dedicated to the lighting industry, aims to help local lighting agencies improve the experiences provided to both the manufacturers and the customers they serve. A majority of lighting agency websites are dated in both the platforms they are built on as well as the tools used to [...]

Lighting Industry

PIXI Lighting Begins Selling its Lighting Products Through Grainger

PIXI Lighting recently announced it will begin selling its products through Grainger. Effective June 1, 2014, Grainger will be the only supplier to offer PIXI products, including FlatLight Luminaires, the company’s ultra-thin, edge-lit LED, commercial-grade flat light. In addition, Grainger will offer its customers the following lighting products from PIXI: · 1’x1’, 2’x2’ and 1’x2’ [...]

Lighting Industry

Industry Buzz: EYE and CIMCON Sign Agreement, Hess Acquired and More

EYE Lighting International and CIMCON Lighting recently announced they have signed a sales and marketing agreement in which both companies will cooperate to promote and sell outdoor lighting wireless control systems manufactured by CIMCON. Business operations of Hess AG Form + Licht were successfully transferred to Nordeon B.V. by way of an asset transaction on [...]

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