Results from a pan-European survey reveal that current lighting in the workplace is not satisfying end-users and their needs, while at the same time it is regarded as an influence on productivity and human well being.
Results from a pan-European survey reveal that current lighting in the workplace is not satisfying end-users and their needs, while at the same time it is regarded as an influence on productivity and human well being.
This is the second of a two-part article addressing advances in light sources and light quality, authored by Matthew Blakeley, Vice President – Product and Business Development for Focal Point as an exclusive contribution to LightNOW. This article highlights recent research, which provides a baseline definition of a quality light source that’s preferred by humans, independent of cultural background and familiarity with the habitual built environment.
This is the first of a two-part article addressing advances in light sources and light quality, authored by Matthew Blakeley, Vice President – Product and Business Development for Focal Point as an exclusive contribution to LightNOW. This first article focuses on the evolution of light sources and measurement tools that can accurately describe the quality of the color rendition in a space.
In the Illuminating Engineering Society’s Forum for Illumination Research, Engineering, and Science, designer and educator Christopher (“Kit”) Cuttle, MA, PhD, FCIBSE, FIESANZ, FIESNA, FSLL, proposed a new approach to lighting design that integrates illumination factors beyond workplane light levels.
Craig’s Lighting Articles, Lighting Design
Nearly 50 million people aged 65 and over live in the United States, with about 1 million living in more than 30,000 assisted-living communities, according to the National Center for Assisted Living. They can be challenging for lighting design, as the visual system undergoes physiological changes with age that can reduce visual acuity and color discrimination while heightening sensitivity to glare.
Education + Resources, Lighting Design
Philips Lighting University created an excellent webinar series examining various aspects of creative lighting design. This post presents parts 5-8.
Philips Lighting University created an excellent webinar series examining various aspects of creative lighting design. This post presents parts 1-4.
This document is intended to be a supplement to IES RP-6-15, Recommended Practice for Sports and Recreational Area Lighting, presenting light sources that are relatively new to the lighting industry and are currently being used or considered for use in sports and recreational lighting applications.
The Illuminating Engineering Society recently announced a total of 14 projects receiving the highest honors at the 2018 IES Illumination Awards. More than 200 projects were recognized with Awards of Merit.
The Lighting Systems Division of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) recently published a white paper, “Outdoor Lighting and Human/Animal Factors: An Industry Evaluation,” available for download at the National Lighting Bureau.