Current LED Lighting for Data Centers

Lighting Design

Energy + Environment, Lighting Design

Should Lighting Quality Drive Upgrade Decisions?

Writing for the February 2009 issue of Electrical Contractor Magazine, I make the case that lighting quality should be an equal partner to energy savings in an upgrade of an existing building. In fact, doing so can can result in a larger project and more work for the contractor. The article includes references to the [...]

Awards, Lighting Design

IESNY Announces 2009 Lumen Awards Winners

The New York City Section of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IESNYC) announced the recipients of the 2009 Lumen Awards at the 41st Annual Lumen Gala held in New York City on June 10. The Lumen Awards publicly recognizes professionalism, excellence, and originality in lighting design. Over 600 leaders in lighting design, architecture, interior design, engineering [...]

Codes + Standards, Energy + Environment, Lighting Design

DOE Publishes ASHRAE Guidance on Achieving 30% Savings Over 90.1-1999 in Small Office Buildings

The Department of Energy’s Building Codes Resource Center has published a summary of the ASHRAE guidelines for achieving 30% savings over ASHRAE 90.1-1999 in small office buildings. One of the interesting features of the website is a series of layout templates. Check it out here.

Legislation + Regulation, Lighting Design

Message from Marsha Turner, IALD Exec. VP, on Texas HB2649

Excerpted from IALD Reflections, the newsletter of the IALD: Thank you, all of you, who took the time to weigh in on this issue. Your efforts, and those of our colleagues in the entertainment lighting industry, and members of the ALA, ESTA, IES and many other organizations, have paid off. I am pleased that we [...]

Legislation + Regulation, Lighting Design

Texas Regulation of Lighting Design: What’s Next

I got an email this morning explaining why Senator Averitt added the language to the bill. Apparently, residential builders and owners in the Senator’s district had complained about people representing themselves as lighting designers, selling bad equipment that did not perform, and producing a loss for the builders. Apparently, the Senator had no idea that [...]

Legislation + Regulation, Lighting Design

Lighting Design Profession Wins: Texas HB2649 to be Amended (updated)

Good news! It’s confirmed: The “lighting designer” language in Texas House Bill 2649 will be withdrawn and replaced with language requesting a study by the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation of the feasibility of licensing in the industry, according to Texas State Senator Kip Averitt’s office. IALD President Jeff Miller said the combined grassroots [...]

Legislation + Regulation, Lighting Design

Keep Up The Pressure on Texas HB2649 (updated)

Your voice has been heard. There have been hundreds of phone calls, letters and emails over the past 48 hours about this potentially disastrous bill. Now here’s an update for Thursday, May 28. The latest word via discussions on LinkedIn and emails I’ve received is: * Senator Averitt’s office has indicated that he will be [...]

Legislation + Regulation, Lighting Design

JoAnne Lindsley’s Letter to Texas Representative Wayne Smith

I was copied on this letter that JoAnne Lindsley, a leading lighting designer, past president of IALD and principal of Lindsley Consultants Inc., wrote to Texas Representative Wayne Smith about the new bill, which has passed both houses of the state legislature, that essentially would require licensing to do lighting design. Rep. Smith initiated the [...]

Lighting Design, Lighting Industry

Grenald Waldron Associates Celebrates 40

Grenald Waldron Associates, a lighting design firm based in Philadelphia, has turned 40. Happy birthday!

Legislation + Regulation, Lighting Design

IALD Urges Lighting Community to Respond to Texas Bill

IALD is hoping the Texas Senate Business & Commerce Committee will remove language restrictive to the profession as a “technical adjustment” when the bill is prepared for the Governor’s signature, or the eventual veto of the bill by the Governor should no changes in language be made. Here’s what IALD says we can do: 1. [...]

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