Current LED Lighting for Data Centers

Lighting Design

Education + Resources, Lighting Design

DOE Webtool Helps Designers of Retail Buildings Save Energy and Optimize Lighting Quality

The November issue of Electrical Contractor published an article here that I wrote about the Department of Energy’s Commercial Lighting Solutions for Retail webtool residing here. I was pleased to contribute to the webtool with general language about lighting control recommendations. The DOE’s CLS for Office version is about to be released in a beta [...]

Lighting Design

Acuity Brands Controls Launches Website

Peerless Lighting and Acuity Brands Controls, both of whom I’m proud to call clients, have joined forces to launch Lighting for Learning, an online tool that helps school designers design optimal lighting for classrooms. First, the designer inputs the characteristics of the classroom and desired lighting features, such as light level, color quality, aesthetics and [...]

Energy + Environment, Lighting Design

Illuminate Editorial: “Change Has Arrived”

Big changes are in the works that will impact future lighting designs by eliminating some of the least-efficient and lowest-cost products from the market, while establishing ambitious new goals for energy codes that may severely limit design choices. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 expanded ballast regulations put into effect by the Department of Energy [...]

Energy + Environment, Lighting Design

New Publication Provides Energy Efficiency Guidance for Hotels

Recommendations on achieving 30% energy savings over minimum code requirements are contained in the newly published Advanced Energy Design Guide for Highway Lodging. The book, published by ASHRAE, gives guidance to architects, engineers, contractors and other building team members on how to easily achieve advanced levels of energy savings without having to resort to detailed [...]

Lighting Design

Free Animation Player Spreads The Word About Light Pollution

The UK-based “Need Less” anti-light pollution group is now offering a free animation player that randomly plays six different clips that help raise awareness of the need to reduce light pollution and reduce energy consumption. The animation player is downloadable and can be placed on your web page to help spread the word. Check it [...]

Lighting Design

Keeping It Simple: Lighting Design Integrity

Lighting designer and blogger James Bedell recently published an interesting post about design integrity–what happens after that perfect design is installed and subsequently is used and maintained over time. Check it out here.

Lighting Design

What Is Good Outdoor Lighting? A Conversation Between a Lighting Designer and Dark-Sky Activist

Design Observer has published an excellent two-part article by Karrie Jacobs consisting of a discussion between lighting designer Leni Schwendinger and dark-sky activist Susan Harder about what constitutes good outdoor lighting. I had been following the article on LinkedIn, and then Leni sent me an email letting me know about the publication on the Design [...]

Codes + Standards, Lighting Design

2009 IECC Requires 50% of Lamps in Home to be High-Efficacy

Here’s an article I wrote for the July issue of Electrical Contractor Magazine on the topic of a new residential lighting provision in the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), used by most states as the basis of their residential energy codes, that requires 50% of lamps in newly built homes to be “high efficacy”–that [...]

Education + Resources, Lighting Design

The Leed View: Sustainable Lighting

That’s the title of an article I wrote about lighting and the new LEED 2009 requirements, published in the July issue of Electrical Contractor. You can check it out here.

Lighting Design, Products + Technology

LightNOW Comments Run Against “BUG,” A Classification System for Outdoor Light Fixtures

Back in April, I posted about BUG (Backlight, Uplight, Glare), a new classification system for outdoor light fixtures currently being promoted by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA). Based on the TM-15–the upgrade of the roadway shielding classification system by the Illuminating Engineering Society and the Lighting Research Center–BUG addresses light emitted from the fixture in [...]

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