Current LED Lighting for Data Centers

Lighting Design

Lighting Design

Light and Visibility: What is Light?

Light is radiant energy that travels in waves composed of vibrating electric and magnetic fields. Light waves have both frequency and length; the ranges of frequency and wavelength differentiate light from other forms of radiant energy such as heat and radio waves. These properties are expressed on the electromagnetic spectrum. Certain light waves comprise a [...]

Awards, Lighting Design

IESNYC Lumen Awards Celebration to be Held June 9, 2010

IESNYC has announced that the Lumen Awards Ceremony and Gala will be held at Chelsea Pier 60 on Wednesday, June 9, 2010 starting at 6:00 PM. IESNYC will be celebrating the 2010 Lumen Awards recipients. Cocktail hour starts at 6:00 PM and the dinner ceremony commences at 7:30 PM. Sponsorship tables are now available for [...]

Lighting Design

Electrical Contractor Publishes Feature About Lighting Design Techniques

An article I wrote for Electrical Contractor Magazine about lighting design and, specifically, different techniques used to apply light to spaces, was published in the April issue. If you’re interested in a good introduction to basic design techniques, I highly recommend a read. Check it out here.

Light + Art, Lighting Design

IESNYC Nightseeing Tour to be Held May 26, 2010

IESNYC has announced the Spring NightSeeing Walking Tour, a “multi-project tour on art, fashion and cocktails,” to be held Wednesday, May 26, 2010 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Starting Location: CIT Lobby 505 Fifth Avenue (entrance on 42nd Street) New York, NY IESNYC Members: $15 Non-Members: $30 Space is Limited. Please RSVP by Monday, [...]

Education + Resources, Lighting Design

IES Publishes Guide to Lighting for the Aging Eye

Providing good lighting for senior living spaces is an important topic that is only going to get more important in the future. Check it out here.

Lighting Design

Commissioning Lighting Systems: How Do YOU Do It?

I am being engaged to produce a Recommended Practice for IES on the subject of commissioning lighting and controls. I have ample information and recommended procedures for commissioning popular lighting control systems such as occupancy sensors, time sweep, daylight harvesting and architectural dimming. Right now I’m looking for procedures for commissioning lighting. My understanding is [...]

Energy + Environment, Lighting Design

What Is Luminaire Efficiency?

Today’s focus on saving energy is accelerating demand for luminaires designed to achieve a high level of energy efficiency. Luminaires can be evaluated based on luminaire center beam candlepower (candela), total input watts (W), efficiency (fraction of lamp lumens that exit the luminaire), efficacy rating (lumens/W), coefficient of utilization (CU) and comparative yearly energy cost [...]

Energy + Environment, Lighting Design

Lighting and LEED 2009

An article I write about lighting and LEED 2009 was published in the January issue of TED Magazine. TED is the official publication of the National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED) and is read by the nation’s electrical distributor community. Check it out here.

Education + Resources, Lighting Design, Products + Technology

Point Sources Versus Linear Sources Versus Area Sources

Most light sources have a particular standardized size and shape that affects how objects and surfaces will be illuminated. Point sources are small lamps, often featuring a clear outer glass bulb revealing the arc tube or bare incandescent filament, used to produce dramatic highlights and pronounced shadows. Linear sources, such as tubular fluorescent lamps, emit [...]

Lighting Design

Protecting Your Design

Selection of the right luminaire and controls takes considerable time and effort, and is integral to the lighting design. Cost overruns, value engineering, unclear or weakly worded specifications, and conflicts between lighting and other buidling systems can result in substitutions and other design decisions being made without the lighting designer’s involvement. Lighting designers should protect [...]

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