Current LED Lighting for Data Centers

Lighting Design

Lighting Design, Lighting Industry

IALD And ILP Sign MOU to Develop Lighting Design Profession and Promote Quality Lighting

The International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) and the Institution of Lighting Professionals (ILP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding in January 2011 to work cooperatively toward developing the architectural lighting design profession and elevating awareness of quality lighting. The MOU emphasizes the need to demonstrate cooperative collaboration within the lighting profession.

Lighting Design

How Wall Finishes Can Save Lighting Energy

My most recent lighting column in Electrical Contractor Magazine describes the role of surface reflectances in the overall efficiency of lighting applications. Because surfaces and objects in typical spaces reflect light, they can play a part in lighting efficiency as extensions of the lighting system. By controlling room surface reflectances, light levels can be improved, [...]

Codes + Standards, Education + Resources, Lighting Design

Title 24 Residential Lighting Design Guide Now Available from CLTC

The Title 24 Residential Lighting Design Guide is now available to help builders comply with California’s 2008 Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. The Residential Lighting Design Guide provides a practical approach to lighting code compliance and design, including a broad array of example designs as well as technical and compliance information organized in a [...]

Education + Resources, Lighting Design

New Book Covers Richard Kelly’s Career and Lighting Designs

The Structure of Light, published by Yale Press, includes contributions from six historians, architects and lighting designers who explore Richard Kelly’s influence on modern architecture and his lighting designs. Check it out here.

Education + Resources, Lighting Design

IES Announces Pre-Publication Offer for 10th Edition of IES Lighting Handbook

The 10th edition brings together in one volume the current state of knowledge as it relates to lighting and lighting design.

Lighting Design, People

Howard Brandston on LEARNING TO SEE

In 2008, it was my honor to work with legendary lighting designer Howard Brandston on editing LEARNING TO SEE: A Matter of Light, which was subsequently published by IES. If the book could be boiled even further to a single statement, it might be Brandston’s trademark question, “What is it you wish to see?” Check [...]

LED + SSL, Lighting Design

Yas Hotel’s Sweeping Grid-Shell Element Lights Up at Night with More Than 5,000 Custom LED Lights

The Yas Hotel, on Yas Island in Abu Dhabi, was conceived as two towers connected by a bridge and united by a stunning glass and steel grid-shell element. The hotel’s sweeping grid-shell element, built by Austrian specialist Waagner-Biro, illuminates at night using more than 5,000 custom LED fixtures and a sophisticated control system, the result of an intensive design effort by Arup Lighting, who was engaged by Asymptote to create a lighting solution for both the iconic canopy and the hotel’s exterior.

Daylighting, Education + Resources, Energy + Environment, Lighting Design

New Buildings Institute Launches First Online Advanced Lighting Guide

New Buildings Institute (NBI) has announced the publication of the inaugural online version of the Advanced Lighting Guidelines (ALG). ALG is a premier resource for energy‐efficient lighting design, technologies and applications representing the latest and best thinking of experts in the field (I was pleased to contribute the controls chapter with Dorene Maniccea, and edit [...]

Lighting Design

ASHRAE/IES Recommended Surface Reflectances

Room surface finishes can play a significant role in maximizing the efficiency of a lighting system because lighter finishes can produce relatively higher light levels and perceptions of brightness. In fact, in an existing space with a large area of dark surfaces can improve light levels and visual comfort almost immediately by simply repainting those [...]

Lighting Design

Psychological Impacts of Lighting

A space’s lighting defines its personality and how people perceive it, which in turn affects how they feel about being there. Below are various lighting effects that can take the same space and transform it into different environments. Psychological impact Lighting effect Light distribution TENSE Intense direct light from above Non-uniform RELAXED Lower overhead lighting [...]

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