Current Lighting for Data Centers

Lighting Design

Lighting Design

Creating Artificial Daylight for a Stage Production

Lighting designer David Warfel describes how he produced bright afternoon daylight for a theatrical production set in an English country house. The main challenge was to produce light with the appearance of “no color.” Click here to see how he did it. (The article appears on the Rosco website, as he used their products.)

Lighting Design

ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Covers New Lighting Design Credentialing Effort

The IALD is developing a new certification for lighting designers. By August, the credentialing task force will make a recommendation whether to proceed with a certification, which would then take an estimated 12-18 months to put into place. ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING recently published an excellent article on this topic, available here. Being Lighting Certified (LC), naturally [...]

Education + Resources, Energy + Environment, Lighting Design


I’m pleased to announce that my book LIGHTING REDESIGN FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS is now available as an eBook for Kindle on Amazon. LIGHTING REDESIGN FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS was written to educate owners, energy managers, electrical engineers, architects, lighting designers, consultants, electrical contractors, electrical distributors and other interested professionals about the relighting of existing buildings. The [...]

Lighting Design

IALD Credentialing Task Force Launches Survey to Test Validity of Globally Applicable Certification in Architectural Lighting Design

The International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) convened a credentialing task force to assess prospective domains of practice and qualifications for an international architectural lighting design certification. This assessment will be conducted via online survey, and is a key component of the task force’s efforts. The survey launched March 1, 2012 and is testing the [...]

Codes + Standards, LED + SSL, Lighting Design

Architectural Lighting Publishes Article on New Proposed Color Metrics

I’m happy to be writing again for Architectural Lighting Magazine, for which I served as editor and publisher in the late 1990s. Editor Elizabeth Donoff is doing a terrific job providing the industry with great editorial, and brought me back to contribute a technology column in each issue. My contribution to the Jan/Feb issue deals [...]

Education + Resources, Lighting Design

Balance Daylighting With Wallwashing

The Advanced Lighting Guidelines Online Application Directory provides comprehensive designs of lighting and controls based on specific building types or space types. Check out this office design module, Open-Plan Office Application – Wallwash 1 (PDF), detailing the design approach, criteria and controls for effective wallwashing. Explore the Application Directory for more design modules.

Education + Resources, Lighting Design

How to Evaluate Light Sources

Electrical Contractor recently published an article I wrote about a simple methodology for evaluating light sources based on a basic series of questions: • What is the distribution of the light? Distribution is measured in candelas (cd). • How long does the lamp last? Service life is measured in hours. • How much light does [...]

Education + Resources, Lighting Design

Holophane Launches Night Time Demo

Acuity Brands, Inc. recently introduced the Night Time Demo by Holophane, which enables customers to increase their outdoor lighting knowledge by walking through a series of outdoor lighting environments and experiencing first-hand the quality of different outdoor lighting technologies. The Night Time Demo includes dozens of outdoor lighting solutions displayed in multiple environments–walkways, parking lots, [...]

Education + Resources, Lighting Design

Glare 101

Lighting designers have a responsibility to provide lighting systems that deliver visual comfort, which goes beyond simple visibility by addressing issues such as glare. This article, which I wrote for Electrical Contractor Magazine, describes the basics of glare, and how to address it.

Controls, Lighting Design

Lighting Controls Association Publishes Article Profiling The Lighting Controls Narrative

As demand for lighting controls continues to grow, advanced solutions are becoming increasingly specified while also becoming increasingly sophisticated. This increasing sophistication translates to greater owner benefit but can also pose greater risk of design and installation mistakes. For the designer, the key is to clearly express the design intent, or the basis of design, [...]


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