Current LED Lighting for Data Centers

Lighting Design

Lighting Design, Research

Light and Productivity

The relationship between lighting and productivity has been the subject of study for almost 100 years, but determining a definitive, quantifiable relationship remains elusive. That was the consensus of a three-person Light and Productivity panel of experts assembled by the National Lighting Bureau as part of its annual forum conducted in conjunction with the EdisonReport. [...]

Lighting Design

High-Efficacy Residential Lighting Guide Now Available

The California Lighting Technology Center has developed the High-Efficacy Residential Lighting Guide to provide information about lighting products and key lighting principles and best practice recommendations. Download the guide here.

Education + Resources, Lighting Design


The Illuminating Engineering Society has published an introductory e-textbook on lighting, ARCHITECTURE FOR LIGHT by Kim and Paul Mercier. ARCHITECTURE FOR LIGHT is intended for upper level undergraduate or continuing education courses for students of architecture and interior design. The book can also be a resource for architects and interior designers or lighting professionals looking [...]

Lighting Design

The Lighting Design Process

In this Philips Lighting education video, Mark Roush describes the lighting design process.

Lighting Design

IES Publishes Recommended Practices for Lighting Exterior Environments and Parking Facilities and a Lab Testing Method For Indoor Fluorescent Luminaires

The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) has published three new lighting standards: Lighting for Exterior Environments (RP-33-14), Lighting for Parking Facilities (RP-20-14) and Approved Method for Photometric Testing of Indoor Fluorescent Luminaires (LM-41-14). Lighting for Exterior Environments (RP-33-14) addresses design issues related to outdoor lighting. It also outlines the environmental considerations of outdoor lighting especially related [...]

Lighting Design

Choosing an LED Reflector Lamp

I wanted to share one of my recent contributions to ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR on the topic of considerations for selecting the right LED reflector lamp, focusing on distribution of light and why application efficiency is so important. Click here to read the article, which I hope you find useful.

Lighting Design

The Lumen Method and Point by Point Calculations Explained

Two more educational videos from Philips Lighting today. Back to basics … This video describes the lumen method and how it’s used to determine average light level. This video describes how to calculate light level at a given point by applying the inverse square law.

Lighting Design

LRC Releases Video Proposing Lighting Value Metrics

The Lighting Research Center has produced a new video, featuring director Mark Rea, proposing lighting value metrics that look beyond cost and lumens and focus on application needs.

Lighting Design

National Lighting Bureau Panel: Therapeutic Lighting Can Make a Major Difference for Many, Especially Seniors in Long-Term Care Facilities

Therapeutic lighting can be a prescription for better health, especially for seniors with dementia. Now, more and more-effective products are needed to implement the highly positive research results achieved to date. So says a panel of therapeutic-lighting experts assembled by the National Lighting Bureau and the Edison Report. Panelists pointed out that some of the [...]

Lighting Design

Photometrics Explained

This educational video by Philips Lighting describes how a luminaire delivers its light at what angles and at what intensity, and how this information is recorded on a photometric report and analyzed.

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