Interviews + Opinion

Interviews + Opinion, LED + SSL

My Interview with Jerry Mix on LED Suspended Lighting

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Jerry Mix, CEO of Finelite. The topic: LED suspended general lighting. I’m happy to share his responses with you here. The interview informed an article I wrote coming up in the February 2016 issue of tED. DiLouie: How would you characterize the market for suspended general lighting luminaires? [...]

Interviews + Opinion

Do Cyber Criminals Have Their Eye on the Grid?

As LED lighting integrates with building automation systems and provides a platform for Big Data, cyber security may become an important issue. Jerry Plank’s column in the September issue of LD+A discusses the issue. Interesting reading. Read it here.

Interviews + Opinion

My Interview with Scott Roos and Kristin Fedoruk on LED High-Bay Lighting

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Scott Roos, Vice President, Product Design, and Kristin Fedoruk, director, Energy Sales and Solutions, Juno Lighting Group. The topic: LED high-bay lighting. I’m happy to share her responses with you here. The interview informed an article I wrote for the September 2015 issue of tED. DiLouie: How would [...]

Interviews + Opinion, Lighting Industry, People

My Interview with Chris Brown on Illumigeddon

Earlier this year, I interviewed Chris Brown for tED Magazine. The topic: the impact of SSL technology on electrical distribution. Reprinted with permission. Christopher Brown is CEO of Wiedenbach-Brown, a national full-service lighting and electrical solutions distributor. Prior to the company’s acquisition by USESI in 2006, he was president and chairman of the board for [...]

Interviews + Opinion, LED + SSL, People, Products + Technology

Interview with Acuity’s Jeannine Fisher Wang on OLED Lighting

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Jeannine Fisher Wang, PE, LC – Director Business Development, Acuity Brands. The topic: OLED lighting–where it is now, where it’s going. I’m happy to share her responses with you here. The interview informed an article I wrote for the November issue of tED. DiLouie: How would you characterize [...]

Interviews + Opinion, Light + Health

My Interview with Mariana Figueiro on Light and Health

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Mariana G. Figueiro, PhD, Professor and Light and Health Program Director, Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The topic: what we know, what we don’t know, and what’s currently actionable in design concerning light and health. I’m happy to share her responses with you here. The interview informed [...]

Interviews + Opinion

Konnerth on LIGHTFAIR and Big Trends

I enjoy receiving Ted Konnerth’s newsletter from Egret Consulting Group. Ted has an excellent big picture view of the lighting industry. Like everybody else, he doesn’t have all the answers about where things are ultimately headed, but he’s asking the right questions. The below article is republished from an issue I received the week after [...]

Interviews + Opinion, People

Interview with Lighting Designer Galina Zbrizher recently published an interview with lighting designer Galina Zbrizher of Total Lighting Solutions in Vancouver. Galina had a number of interesting observations about lighting, one of the most salient being the amount of consideration LEDs require to produce an effective design. She says: “I find that more attention is needed when designing with LED [...]

Interviews + Opinion

Ted Konnerth on the Internet of Things

Guest post by Ted Konnerth, EGRET Consulting Group Strategies in Light held their first joint conference with the LEDShow during the last week of February. Attendance was solid and the technical conferences featured four different tracks of presentations covering arcane technical issues to overall market influences on the adoption of LED. On Tuesday, they held [...]

Interviews + Opinion

Quantifying Lighting’s Benefits

Peter Boyce, former head of human factors at the Lighting Research Center, recently contributed a very interesting article to LD+A. In his article, Boyce objects to vague claims the lighting industry makes concerning lighting’s impact on productivity and health. These claims, he says, tend to vanish when faced with demands for hard supporting evidence. He [...]


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