

LIGHTFAIR Set for April 21-25, 2013 in Philadelphia

LIGHTFAIR International 2013 will take place at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia from April 21 through April 25, 2013. PRE-CONFERENCE: LIGHTFAIR Institute (April 21-22, Sunday – Monday) offers: · 6 in-depth 2-day courses (Beginner to Advanced) · 6 one-day courses · 12 three-hour workshops (+ 5 total offered Tuesday – Thursday) TRADE SHOW & [...]

Education + Resources, Events

Check Out The What’s New in Lamps and Ballasts Seminar at LIGHTFAIR

Howard Wolfman of Lumispec and myself have been invited back to this year’s LIGHTFAIR to present our popular seminar, “What’s New in Lamps and Ballasts” (L13W15), expanded according to attendee demand to a three-hour program. Joining this year will be Stan Walerczyk of Lighting Wizards. The seminar will occur from 3:00 to 6:00 PM on [...]


LRC Announces LED Lighting Institute May 14-17, 2013

The next LRC LED Lighting Institute will be held May 14-17, 2013 at the Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 21 Union Street, Troy, NY, 12180. This is a four-day, hands-on seminar to teach industry professionals how to incorporate light-emitting diodes (LEDs) into lighting applications. The LED Lighting Institute will include updated technical content based [...]


DOE to Host Webcast Highlighting Indoor SSL Applications on April 4, 2013

On Thursday, April 4, from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern Time, the Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) will host a webcast, “Solid-State Lighting: Highlighting Indoor Applications.” The webcast is part of FEMP’s First Thursday Seminars series, which provides training for Federal energy and environmental professionals. Presented by Naomi Miller and Jeff [...]


Roadway Lighting Web Seminar to be Held April 2, 2013

Newspapers are filled with stories describing reductions and removal of street lighting in order to reduce municipal costs. Tackling the tricky questions of when and where to install roadway illumination is a challenge for transportation agencies. Estimating nighttime crash reductions from roadway lighting is difficult in part because lighting tends to be installed along with [...]


LEDucation 7 Announces Advance Registration Ends March 19

The Designers Lighting Forum of New York has announced record numbers for advance registration to LEDucation 7, which will be held in New York City on Wednesday, March 20. More than 2,500 attendees are expected. With more than 150 manufacturers exhibiting, LEDucation 7 will be holding its largest event in its seven-year history. In addition [...]


LIGHTFAIR 2013 Registration Is Open

Registration for LIGHTFAIR International 2013, which will occur April 21-25, 2013 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, is now open; register here.


DOE to Host Webcast on Successful Selection of LED Streetlight Luminaires on March 6, 2013

On Wednesday, March 6, DOE’s Municipal Solid-State Street Lighting Consortium will host a 90-minute live webcast on the factors involved in successful selection of LED streetlight luminaires. Presented by Eric Haugaard of Cree Lighting and Chad Stalker of Philips Lumileds, the webcast will guide participants through the modeling of a typical roadway layout — emphasizing [...]


Lighting Energy Efficiency in Parking Campaign Webcast Scheduled for February 28, 2013

On Thursday, February 28, 2013, Building Owners and Managers Association International (BOMA) will hold a webcast on the Lighting Energy Efficiency in Parking (LEEP) campaign. LEEP was launched last fall by BOMA, the Green Parking Council, and the International Facility Management Association to encourage the use of high-efficiency lighting technology in parking lots and parking [...]

Events, LED + SSL

LEDucation 7 Returns to New York March 20, 2013

The Designers Lighting Forum of New York (DLFNY) has announced an expanded show floor for its seventh annual LEDucation program on LED technology. LEDucation 7 will take place on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 in New York City with an expansion in exhibit space and educational sessions at the Hotel Pennsylvania – Penn Plaza Pavilion. Over [...]


LEDucation 2025
LightFair 2025
Lightovation – Dallas Market Center
IES25 – The Lighting Conference
ArchLIGHT Summit
Click For More

