Energy + Environment

Energy + Environment

OSRAM SYLVANIA And Veolia Environmental Services Expand Recycling Partnership to Canada

Veolia ES Technical Solutions, LLLC, the hazardous waste division of Veolia Environmental Services North America Corp. (VESNA), and OSRAM SYLVANIA recently announced the expansion of their joint online program to offer RecyclePak recycling kits into Canada. This collaboration began in 2006 when OSRAM SYLVANIA sought a lamp recycling solution for customers’ small quantities of mercury-containing [...]

Codes + Standards, Education + Resources, Energy + Environment

Department of Energy Recognizes ASHRAE 90.1-2010 as New National Energy Standard

Earlier this year, LightNOW reported that in July, the Department of Energy recognized the ASHRAE/IES 90.1-2007 standard as the new national energy standard, superseding the 2004 version. In a bold move, on October 19, 2011, DOE recognized the 2010 version of 90.1 as the new national energy standard. By October 18, 2013, all states in [...]

Education + Resources, Energy + Environment, Events

Window Retrofit Weminar October 26, 2011

Discover how to choose the right windows for retrofit projects at this webinar to be held from 1-2:30 PM CST on Wednesday, October 26, 2011. Click here to learn more and to register.

Codes + Standards, Education + Resources, Energy + Environment

Department of Energy Relaunches Energy.Gov

The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced that it has relaunched its website, The new website makes it easier for visitors to get localized information specific to their cities, counties and states on tax credits, rebates, energy saving tips and grant opportunities. The new platform utilizes the latest technologies in information visualization, bringing updated [...]

Energy + Environment

10,000th LEED Building Certified

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) recently announced that the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI) has certified the 10,000th LEED commercial project. Created in 2000, the LEED green building program has become a global symbol of sustainable building certifying more than 1.4 million square feet of new and existing buildings every day. The Live Oak [...]

Education + Resources, Energy + Environment

Book Report: Lighting Retrofit And Relighting

Lighting Retrofit and Relighting by James R. Benya and Donna J. Leban, published by Wiley (ISBN: 978-0-470-56841-5, hardcover, 312 pages) in March, provides a comprehensive guide to planning and implementing lighting retrofits to increase energy efficiency and improve lighting quality. The book begins by outlining the benefits of retrofitting, then discusses when retrofits make sense, [...]

Energy + Environment

Average Commercial Sector Retail Price of Electricity Increases To 10.26 Cents Per kWh In May 2011

According to recently unveiled Department of Energy numbers, the May 2011 average commercial sector retail price was 10.26 cents per kWh, increasing 0.2% from May 2010, and 2% higher than in April 2011. The average residential sector retail price increased by 0.5% from May 2010 to 12.03 cents per kWh, and increased by 2% from [...]

Energy + Environment

DOE Proposes a National Commercial Building Asset Rating Program

The U.S. Department of Energy is seeking your feedback on a proposed voluntary national Asset Rating Program for Commercial Buildings (AR Program). DOE has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to gather public feedback by September 22, 2011 on key issues associated with the development of an AR Program. Through the AR Program, DOE intends [...]

Energy + Environment

Court Dismisses Lawsuit Against U.S. Green Building Council

The United States District Court in New York City has dismissed in its entirety the lawsuit brought against the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) by Henry Gifford and others, holding that none of the plaintiffs in the action had alleged or could allege any legal interest to be protected by their lawsuit, according to an [...]

Energy + Environment, Legislation + Regulation

California Public Utilities Commission Unveils New Lighting Action Plan

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) recently unveiled a new Lighting Action Plan, which outlines four policy goals for lighting: market transformation, best practices, end user demand, and research, development and demonstration. Lighting is responsible for almost 25% of California’s electric energy use, but the California Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan says that number can be [...]


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