Energy + Environment

Energy + Environment

California Lighting Efficiency Programs Save 285,000 kW Since 2010

The California Public Utilities Commission recently published a fact sheet regarding the success of the state’s 2010-2011 energy efficiency program by sector (lighting, HVAC, commercial, and residential), as outlined in the CPUC’s recently released report, 2010-2011 Energy Efficiency Annual Progress and Evaluation Report. (If the print on the fact sheet is too small, click here [...]

Energy + Environment

Fifth Public Comment Period Open for Update to USGBC’s LEED Green Building Program

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) recently announced the opening of the fifth public comment period for the proposed update to its LEED green building program. The comment period, which will close on December 10, enables the building community to view the most recent draft of the rating systems and provide comments where any substantive [...]

Energy + Environment

AIA Energy Modeling Guide

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) offers a guide to integrating energy modeling throughout the building design process. Get it here.

Energy + Environment, Research

Johnson Controls Survey Finds Global Energy Management Interest Reaches All-Time High

Eighty-five percent of building owners and operators globally depend on energy management to drive operational efficiency, according to the 2012 Johnson Controls Energy Efficiency Indicator, a global survey of 3,500 building owners and operators. This represents a 34-point increase in the last two years. Energy cost savings and financial incentives are leading this shift, but [...]

Energy + Environment

Utility Energy Efficiency Programs Experienced Rapid Growth Over Last 10 Years

Energy efficiency programs have been helping electric utility customers reduce and manage their energy costs for 30 years or more in many states. Born out of the energy crises of the 1970s, these customer programs have grown and matured to become a low-cost, high-value energy resource for electric utilities and their customers. Three Decades and [...]

Energy + Environment

U.S. Ranks Ninth in World in Energy Efficiency

The United Kingdom comes in first in a new energy efficiency ranking of the world’s major economies, followed closely by Germany, Japan, and Italy, according to the first-ever International Energy Efficiency Scorecard published today by the nonprofit American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE). The report finds that in the last decade the U.S. has [...]

Energy + Environment

Top 10 States for LEED

Sq. ft. of space to earn LEED-certification in 2011 Per capita District of Columbia 18,954,022 31.50 Colorado 13,803,113 2.74 Illinois 34,567,585 2.69 Virginia 19,358,193 2.42 Washington 14,667,558 2.18 Maryland 11,970,869 2.07 Massachusetts 13,087,625 2.00 Texas 50,001,476 1.99 California 71,551,296 1.92 New York 36,538,981 1.89 Minnesota 9,591,445 1.81

Education + Resources, Energy + Environment, Lighting Design


I’m pleased to announce that my book LIGHTING REDESIGN FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS is now available as an eBook for Kindle on Amazon. LIGHTING REDESIGN FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS was written to educate owners, energy managers, electrical engineers, architects, lighting designers, consultants, electrical contractors, electrical distributors and other interested professionals about the relighting of existing buildings. The [...]

Energy + Environment

LEED Volume Program for Operations & Maintenance

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)’s LEED Volume Program for Operations & Maintenance is available for existing green building projects. The LEED Volume Program streamlines the certification process for high-volume property owners and managers of existing buildings and new construction projects. Utilizing a prototype-based approach, the program enables large-scale builders, owners, and managers to achieve [...]

Energy + Environment

EPA Reports 3.9 Percent Increase In U.S. Energy-Related CO2 Emissions in 2010

U.S. carbon dioxide emissions from the consumption of fossil fuels were 5,638 million metric tons carbon dioxide (MMTCO2) in 2010, an increase of 3.9% from the 2009 level, according to Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions 2010, an online analysis released today by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). This is the largest percentage increase in U.S. [...]


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