Education + Resources

Education + Resources, Energy + Environment

Advanced Energy Design Guidance Offered for Small Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities

The Advanced Energy Design Guide (AEDG) for Small Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities is designed to provide recommendations for achieving 30 percent energy savings over the minimum code requirements of ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-1999. The Guide focuses on small healthcare facilities up to 90,000 sq.ft., including acute care facilities, outpatient surgery centers, critical access hospitals and inpatient [...]

Codes + Standards, Education + Resources, Legislation + Regulation

RESCHEDULED! NYC IES Seminar “Headlines from the Lighting World” Moved to February 18, 2010

Same seminar, same place, same time. Different day. Learn more about the seminar here. Register here.

Education + Resources, LED + SSL

Lighting Research Center Announces LED Lighting Institute May 4-6, 2010

The Lighting Research Center has announced that it will hold a three-day hands-on seminar on May 4-6, 2010, where participants learn the basics of LED technology while building an understanding of LED system integration issues involving the electrical, optical, and thermal characteristics of LEDs. Participants learn how to measure and evaluate LEDs and LED systems, [...]

Education + Resources, LED + SSL

Energy Center of Wisconsin to Present Live Webinar on LED Lighting on March 10

LED lighting offers tremendous promise for reducing energy use in buildings. On Wednesday, March 10, 2010, from 1:00–2:30 PM CENTRAL TIME (last half hour reserved for Q&A), the Energy Center of Wisconsin will host a webinar to help designers learn the latest strategies to use LED lighting effectively. Avraham Mendall Mor, IALD, LEED AP, IESNA [...]

Education + Resources

January Issues of LightNOW Published

Check out the month’s stories here and here. Click here to join the nearly 13,000 lighting professionals who receive LightNOW in their in-box every month. Subscription is free, takes moments, and we strictly respect your privacy. There is also an option to subscribe to the Lighting Controls Association’s lightingCONTROL newsletter, which offers a monthly whitepaper [...]

Education + Resources

NYC IES Announces Seminar, “Headlines from the Lighting World,” to be Held February 18, 2010 (Rescheduled from February 10!)

“Headlines from the Lighting World” is an informative roundup of what is going on in the fast changing world of lighting, to be held by the New York City Section of the IES. Marty Salzberg will report on upcoming changes to the lighting power density requirements in addendum “by” of the ASHRAE/IES 90.1 standard. Jack [...]

Education + Resources

Lighting Control Pros Blog Launches

Lighting Control Pros, developed by two lighting control integrators at, is a new blog dedicated to residential lighting controls. Integrators and other visitors can comment on products and reviews, and help out other professionals in the forum. The creators also began running a Youtube show called Lighting Control Pros TV which is filmed each [...]

Education + Resources

AIA Board of Directors Chooses Hanley Wood as New Media Partner

LightNOW has learned that Architectural Record appears to be about to lose the AIA media contract, which is due to expire at the end of 2010. The American Institute of Architects has chosen Hanley Wood, LLC to begin negotiating development of an integrated media approach (print, online, digital, convention/meetings) for the AIA’s official publication and [...]

Education + Resources, LED + SSL

7th Annual DOE SSL R&D Workshop to be Held Feb 2-4

The Department of Energy has announced that its “Transformations in Lighting” 2010 DOE Solid-State Lighting R&D Workshop will be held in Raleigh, NC on February 2–4, 2010. This is the seventh annual SSL R&D Workshop, which has become a real who’s who gathering of lighting researchers. The results of this workshop informs research agendas in [...]

Education + Resources, LED + SSL

Register Now for LEDucation IV in New York City

Registration is now open for LEDucation IV, where you can learn about solid state lighting in engaging sessions as well as see products in exhibits by more than 70 LED, OLED, microplasma and control manufacturers. The event will be held Wednesday, March 3, 2010 between 1-9PM at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. Click [...]


LEDucation 2025
LightFair 2025
Lightovation – Dallas Market Center
IES25 – The Lighting Conference
ArchLIGHT Summit
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