Education + Resources

Education + Resources

October Issues of LightNOW Published

Check out the stories here (issue #1) and here (issue #2). Click here to join the 14,300+ lighting professionals who receive LightNOW in their in-box every month. Subscription is free, takes moments, and we strictly respect your privacy. There is also an option to subscribe to the Lighting Controls Association’s lightingCONTROL newsletter, which offers a [...]

Controls, Daylighting, Education + Resources, Energy + Environment, LED + SSL

Hanley Wood University Offers Five Lighting Courses

Visit Hanley Wood University and check out these five courses related to lighting: * Daylight Harvesting or Controlling Electric Light in Response to Daylight * Introduction to Tubular Daylighting Devices * LED Lighting Education for Specifiers * Lighting for Learning: Best Practices for Classroom Lighting * What is the Big Deal with LED Lighting? How [...]

Controls, Education + Resources

Controls Friday: Acuity Brands Unveils New Intelligent Lighting and Controls Training Center At Its Sensor Switch Facility

Acuity Brands has announced the opening of its new training center at its Sensor Switch facility located in Wallingford, CT. This facility is designed to provide hands-on training for Sensor Switch customers and business partners and to showcase the newest Acuity Brands intelligent LED lighting and lighting controls solutions. Featuring an expansive sensor display and [...]

Education + Resources, LED + SSL, Lighting Industry

LEDucation 5 Announced for March 16, 2011 in NYC

The Designers Lighting Forum of New York (DLFNY) has announced the date for its fifth annual program on LED technology: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 at the Hotel Pennsylvania, 401 Seventh Avenue, New York City. Located between 32nd and 33rd Streets (across from Madison Square Garden). Exhibit hours are from 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST. [...]

Education + Resources

Appleton Publishes Industrial LED Lighting White Paper

According to a new whitepaper by Appleton Electric, titled “LED Lighting for Hazardous Locations,” the time for industrial LED use has arrived, with the author siting reasons such as recent legislation phasing out of mercury vapor ballasts and lamps. Topics in the paper include: * Introduction to LED technology * Addressing common myths (i.e., LED [...]

Education + Resources, Energy + Environment, Lighting Design

Take a Sneak Peek at the New Advanced Lighting Guidelines

A new edition of the Advanced Lighting Guidelines will be available November 2010. The publication that since 1991 has provided the latest in energy-efficient lighting technology and best-practice design is being published as an online guide. I was pleased to work with the New Buildings Institute to write the controls chapter, building on the excellent [...]

Education + Resources, Legislation + Regulation

NEMA Publishes LSD 11-2010 White Paper on Outdoor Lighting Issues and Quality Lighting Applications

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has published LSD 11-2010 White Paper on Outdoor Lighting Issues and Quality Lighting Applications. This white paper, last published in 2004, was produced by NEMA’s Lighting Systems Division. LSD 11 identifies specific lighting issues, defines correct lighting terminology, and provides straightforward technical guidance applicable to outdoor lighting installations in [...]

Education + Resources

September Issues of LightNOW Published

Check out the stories here (issue #1) and here (issue #2). Click here to join the 14,000+ lighting professionals who receive LightNOW in their in-box every month. Subscription is free, takes moments, and we strictly respect your privacy. There is also an option to subscribe to the Lighting Controls Association’s lightingCONTROL newsletter, which offers a [...]

Education + Resources, Events, LED + SSL

CIE/USA Announces Seminars on Photometry, Colorimetry and Application of Solid-State Lighting on November 10, 2010

CIE/USA, the U.S. National Committee of the International Commission on Illumination (CIE), is offering a one-day series of seminars on the photometry, colorimetry and application of solid-state lighting. Experts will present: * basic concepts * advanced techniques * state of the art research on the characterization and measurement of light and lighting * discussions of [...]

Education + Resources, Events, Legislation + Regulation, Lighting Design

IES to Host Webcast on Outdoor Model Lighting Ordinance on October 13, 2010

This presentation will provide you with an overview of the Model Lighting Ordinance (MLO) developed by IES in association with International Dark Sky Association. Participants will learn how the MLO: * Permits reasonable uses of outdoor lighting for night-time safety, utility, security, productivity, enjoyment and commerce * Minimizes adverse off-site impacts including light trespass and [...]


LEDucation 2025
LightFair 2025
Lightovation – Dallas Market Center
IES25 – The Lighting Conference
ArchLIGHT Summit
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