Education + Resources

Education + Resources

Jonathan Speirs Scholarship Fund Launched

The Jonathan Speirs Scholarship Fund was launched in November to provide support to students of architecture who wish to enter the architectural lighting profession. Jonathan Speirs was one of the world’s leading architectural lighting designers. He is widely acknowledged as not only having been a pioneer of the profession of architectural lighting design in the [...]

Education + Resources, Legislation + Regulation

Sylvania Publishes Online Substitution Tool

OSRAM SYLVANIA offers an interesting online tool identifying regulatory impacts on various light source technologies, with suggested substitutions for products being eliminated. Check it out here.

Education + Resources, Lighting Industry

Juno Lighting Group Unveils New Lighting Education Center

Juno Lighting Group recently announced the grand re-opening of its Des Plaines, IL-based lighting education center. The center, which is designed to provide architects, interior designers, lighting designers, engineers, contractors and builders with information about the changing nature of lighting technology, is made up of three facilities: As light sources have evolved over the past [...]

Education + Resources

NEMA Publishes Best Practices for Operating Fluorescent Lighting Systems

NEMA LSD 27: Best Practices for Operating Fluorescent Lighting Systems, recently published by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), summarizes information and recommendations found in more detailed NEMA papers on individual topics, as well as additional information and recommendations, about how to optimize the fluorescent systems. Click here to download it free.

Education + Resources

Acuity Brands Web Tool Calculates Life Cycle Costs of Lighting Systems

Acuity Brands, Inc. has developed a financial tool that allows users to determine the true economic value of a lighting system, greatly exceeding the simple data output found on many industry “payback” calculators. The Visual Economic Tool is a free tool that uses recommended industry practices (IESNA RP-31-1996, Recommended Practice for the Economic Analysis of [...]

Education + Resources

IES Launches Website

The Illuminating Engineering Society has launched a new blog-format website designed to educate the public about good lighting. The site, produced by IES and written by myself and industry writer Susan Bloom, contains numerous short posts about lighting basics and how to apply good lighting practices in the home. Check it out here.

Education + Resources

Tivoli Publishes AIA CES Course on Color

Tivoli, LLC recently announced the publication of a two new AIA Continuing Education courses entitled, “How We See Color” and “How We Use Color.” The first helps students understand how the human eye detects and identifies color. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to describe how we see and measure color with [...]

Education + Resources, LED + SSL

Testing Procedures to Quantify Performance of Solid State Lighting (LEDs) Published by IES

The Illuminating Engineering Society of North American (IES) has issued a new document: IES Approved Method for the Characterization of LED Light Engines and LED Lamps for Electrical and Photometric Properties as a Function of Temperature, LM-82-12. The purpose of the document is to establish consistent methods of testing and data presentation for ease of [...]

Education + Resources, Products + Technology

IES Updates DG-10-12, Choosing Light Sources for General Lighting

This thoroughly updated Design Guide from the Illuminating Engineering Society introduces most of the light sources employed in general and accent lighting, including solid-state lighting. Table of contents: Introduction Lamp Operating Characteristics Major Light Source Families Other Factors EPACT and Other Government Legislation The new guide costs $35 for IES members and $50 for nonmembers. [...]

Daylighting, Education + Resources

IES Podcast Series on Daylighting

Great podcast series about daylight, produced by the Illuminating Engineering Society. Part 1: Why Daylight? Part 2: Daylighting with Windows Part 3: Daylighting with Skylights Part 4: Controlling the Sun Part 5: Daylighting and View


LEDucation 2025
LightFair 2025
Lightovation – Dallas Market Center
IES25 – The Lighting Conference
ArchLIGHT Summit
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