Education + Resources

Education + Resources, Lighting Design

Lighting and the Visual Environment for Seniors and the Low Vision Population (ANSI/IES RP-28-16)

Seniors represent the fastest-growing segment of the population with over 40 million Americans over 65 (U.S. Census Bureau, The Older Population. 2010), with over 10,000 Baby Boomers turning 65 every day. The over-40 population represents approximately 89 million people and of those, 63% have vision problems (National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health [...]

Education + Resources

Eaton Announces 2017 SOURCE Education Schedule

Eaton recently announced its 2017 calendar of classes available at its SOURCE Lighting Education Center. The facility, which has educated more than 163,000 professionals and students, offers a wide variety of continuing education-accredited classes designed to broaden the understanding of lighting, controls and its applications. This year, the SOURCE curriculum includes new lighting controls classes [...]

Codes + Standards, Education + Resources

Lighting Controls Association Expands Energy Codes Online Course

The Lighting Controls Association (LCA) has published a new course to enhance its Education Express program: EE203: Lighting and Commercial Energy Codes, Part 2: ASHRAE/IES 90.1-2013 and IECC 2015. Complying with a Department of Energy mandate, a growing number of states are adopting commercial building energy codes at least as stringent as ASHRAE/IES 90.1-2013 and [...]

Education + Resources, Events

CLUE Announces Third Competition

The third Community Lighting for the Urban Environment (CLUE) competition, sponsored by Philips Lighting University, is now welcoming submissions. This year’s CLUE competition carries the general theme, “One for Light, Light for All.” Industry-college and university students as well as young professionals are invited to propose innovative lighting solutions around the specific theme of extending [...]

Education + Resources

Lighting Research Center Expands M.S. in Lighting Program, Offering Paid Externships

The Lighting Research Center (LRC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has recently expanded its M.S. in Lighting degree program to include a paid career externship at a leading lighting manufacturer, design firm, or government organization. Upon graduation, students now have the opportunity to participate in a paid externship for three months or more with one of [...]

Education + Resources, People

Dawn De Grazio Appointed Technical Editor at IES

The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES) recently appointed Dawn De Grazio as Technical Editor, effective October 3. This newly created staff position will assist technical committees and IES Staff with editing IES standards, documents, and articles for accuracy and consistency. The position requires a high level of lighting technical knowledge and the ability [...]

Education + Resources, Events

Peter Ngai on OLED Lighting

Earlier this year, the OLED Coalition and the California Lighting Technology Center hosted the OLED Lighting Workshop. Peter Ngai of Acuity Brands kicked off the event with a keynote. Click here to download the presentation.

Education + Resources, Events, Light + Health

DOE Hosts Webinars on Healthcare Lighting

DOE is offering a series of webinars on healthcare lighting. Both start at 1:00 PM EST and last for 60 minutes: Tuesday, October 4: Evidence-Based Design for Healthcare Lighting: Where’s the Evidence? Presenters: Anjali Joseph, Clemson University, Robert Davis and Andrea Wilkerson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory The nonvisual effects of light have captured a lot [...]

Education + Resources

DOE Provides Three Tools to Aid Use of IES TM30 Color Evaluation Method

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) offers three new resources to help lighting professionals understand IES TM-30-15, which describes a new method for evaluating light-source color rendition. Created by an Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) task group to address the widely acknowledged limitations of CRI, which is simpler to use but less accurate, TM-30 encompasses several [...]

Education + Resources

IESNYC Announces 2016 Thesis Prizes

The Illuminating Engineering Society New York City Section (IESNYC) awarded its annual Thesis Prizes to Aditi Govil, MFA Lighting Design, Parsons School of Design and to Ukwatte L. Indika U. Perera, Ph.D., a research scientist at The Lighting Research Center (LRC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). The Thesis Prize recognizes degree candidates of graduate-level lighting [...]


LEDucation 2025
LightFair 2025
Lightovation – Dallas Market Center
IES25 – The Lighting Conference
ArchLIGHT Summit
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