Naturaled Built-in Z10 Receptacle

Craig’s Lighting Articles

Controls, Craig’s Lighting Articles

Rebates for Networked Lighting Controls

My lighting column in the October issue of ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR describes the DesignLights Consortium’s market transformation program aimed at networked lighting controls and describes the first utility rebates promoting the technology.

Craig’s Lighting Articles


My contribution to the September issue of ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR covered lamp- and retrofit kit-based conversions of HID luminaires from HID to LED. With up to 50 percent energy cost savings and potential maintenance savings, LED replacement lamps and retrofit kits offer an increasingly viable retrofit option for HID luminaires. However, products must be carefully matched [...]

Craig’s Lighting Articles

What’s New in Residential Lighting

Below is my contribution to the September issue of tED Magazine, on the topic of residential lighting trends. Reprinted with permission. In 2016, residential put-in-place construction spending increased to about $467 billion, according to the U.S. Commerce Department. This marked a fifth year of double-digit growth since the 2008 recession. The National Association of Home [...]

Craig’s Lighting Articles

Trends in Outdoor Lighting

Below is my contribution to the April issue of tED Magazine. Reprinted with permission. Outdoor lighting has proven a key market for LED sources due to their durability, directionality, efficiency, longevity, color and optical control. While metal halide and high-pressure sodium remain predominant in the installed outdoor lighting base, LED has captured a majority of [...]

Craig’s Lighting Articles

Lighting Controls Association Publishes Whitepaper on Visible Light Communication

My contribution to the Lighting Controls Association website in May is an article about visible light communication. Visible light communication (VLC) is a particularly exciting technology in an industry that is already going through exciting technological change. This technology, popularly used in applications such as fiber-optics, now shows promise for general lighting due to the [...]

Craig’s Lighting Articles

Halogen Lamps: Still the Standard to Beat

Below is an article I wrote for TED Magazine, which was published in its September 2014 issue. Reprinted with permission. Although LED directional lamps are steadily improving, halogen reflector lamps remain most popular for directional lighting applications and the gold standard to beat in terms of overall performance. Available in a wide range of configurations, [...]

Craig’s Lighting Articles

Lighting for Senior Citizens

My lighting column published in the July 2013 issue of TED Magazine. Reprinted with permission. As the first of the baby boomer generation started retirement in 2012, the 65+ age group is the United States’ fastest-growing demographic. This segment, counted as 13 percent of the population (39.6 million) in 2009, is projected to increase to [...]

Craig’s Lighting Articles

Research: Many Retailers Are Unhappy with Their Lighting

According to a survey of retailers conducted by Pacific Gas & Electric and the California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC), many are unhappy with their lighting, suggesting a selling opportunity for specialists capable of demonstrably improving lighting. A majority of respondents (56 percent) are either “somewhat unsatisfied” (40 percent) or “not at all satisfied” (16 percent) [...]

Craig’s Lighting Articles

ENERGY STAR LED Products Arrive

To strengthen user confidence in LED products, the Department of Energy established ENERGY STAR criteria for LED fixtures that went into effect last September. Recently, the first products were introduced. In this article I wrote for the July issue of TED magazine, the ENERGY STAR criteria are discussed along with several perspectives on its significance [...]

Controls, Craig’s Lighting Articles

Introduction to Fluorescent Dimming

Archi-Tech Magazine has published an article I wrote about fluorescent dimming. Check it out here.


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