Naturaled Built-in Z10 Receptacle

Craig’s Lighting Articles

Craig’s Lighting Articles, Lighting Design

Library Stack Lighting 101

This article describes considerations and techniques for designing book stack lighting, based on the Illuminating Engineering Society’s (IES) RP-4-13, Recommended Practice for Library Lighting.

Craig’s Lighting Articles, Legislation + Regulation

T8 Rules to Take Effect

In 2015, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued new energy standards for general-service fluorescent lamps. These standards identify categories of lamps and impose minimum efficacies, expressed in lumens/W. Primarily impacting 4-ft. 32W T8 lamps and some reduced-wattage T8 lamps, the new standards are now set to take effect January 26, 2018.

Craig’s Lighting Articles, Lighting Industry

DOE Publishes New Lighting Market Characterization

In November 2017, the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) released its new 2015 U.S. Lighting Characterization report. The 135-page report, which follows similar reports issued in 2001 and 2010, estimates the total installed lighting stock in the United States by light source and building sector. Dense with tables and graphs, it provides data useful for business planning while clarifying trends.

Controls, Craig’s Lighting Articles

Speech-Controlled Lighting

Virtual personal assistants use speech recognition technology to execute voice commands by users. Now homeowners can control their lighting, shades, thermostats, A/V, and other smart devices using virtual assistant apps and devices compatible with popular smart lighting and home automation systems.

Craig’s Lighting Articles, Lighting Industry

Lighting—the Next iPhone?

At the Strategies in Light conference held February 28-March 2, 2017 in Anaheim, California, Dan Ryan, VP Product, IoT Solutions, Acuity Brands Lighting examined lighting disruption posed by LED technology and the Internet of Things (IoT). He said a good starting point to predicting what will happen next in the lighting industry is to look at changes in similar industries such as electronics and computing. Specifically, by examining bundling and unbundling, based on a quote attributed to American executive Jim Barksdale: “There are two ways to make money in business: You can unbundle, or you can bundle.”

Craig’s Lighting Articles, Light + Health

Circadian Lighting: New Research and Tools

The lighting industry continues to explore potential benefits of lighting solutions that optimize human health. Studies indicate light has physiological effects that go beyond vision. In recent years, the industry has focused on the impact of light on the human circadian system, and how electric lighting choices thereby can affect circadian health. Mariana G. Figueiro, PhD, Professor and Light and Health Program Director at the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, says there are four major factors in designing a lighting solution that optimizes circadian health.

Craig’s Lighting Articles, Lighting Industry

Creative Destruction in Lighting

At the 2017 Strategies in Light conference, Robert F. Karlicek, Jr. spoke about creative destruction in the lighting industry brought on by LED technology and the Internet of things (IoT). After catching his fascinating presentation, I interviewed him for a story for ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. Click here for an excerpt and link where you can read the article.

Craig’s Lighting Articles, Lighting Design

Lighting for Learning

In 2016, education put-in-place construction spending reached $88.7 billion, making it the largest building market. This exciting lighting market is changing as teaching methods evolve toward greater interaction, flexibility, and technological integration. In this article, I talked to manufacturers about how school lighting is changing.

Craig’s Lighting Articles, Lighting Design

Outdoor Lighting 101

Outdoor stationary lighting presents a substantial market and a distinctive subset of lighting design. This article, which I wrote for the November issue of tED Magazine, describes considerations for evaluating and designing outdoor lighting systems.

Craig’s Lighting Articles

Evaluating Color with LED

LEDs have further differentiated themselves from traditional light sources by offering dramatically expanded color capabilities. These capabilities enable distributors to better serve existing customers and build new markets. Accomplishing this requires understanding LED technology, metrics used to evaluate color, and knowing what the customer wants and needs.


LEDucation 2025
High Point Market
LightFair 2025
Lightovation – Dallas Market Center
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