Ubicquia has released two streetlight platforms designed for smart cities that integrates Wi-Fi, 4K cameras, directional microphones and neural artificial intelligence (AI) processors.
Controls, Products + Technology
Ubicquia has released two streetlight platforms designed for smart cities that integrates Wi-Fi, 4K cameras, directional microphones and neural artificial intelligence (AI) processors.
Controls, Products + Technology
As part of the Church of England’s commitment to being carbon neutral by 2030, renovations are being undertaken at the historic Ely Cathedral in East Cambridgeshire, England. To help achieve this, the lighting at Ely Cathedral is currently being upgraded to a more energy-efficient and sustainable system.
In February, 2022, Zhaga approved Book 25 “NFC Readers with Bluetooth Interface for In-Field Programming”. This new Zhaga specification defines a Bluetooth Low Energy communication protocol for the communication between the field-maintenance application on a smart device and the Near Field Communication (NFC) reader.
Construction + Economy, Controls
Many LED drivers, luminaire controllers, and lighting control systems rely on computer chips. The COVID-19 pandemic created major disruptions to the global computer chip supply, affecting everything from cars to computers to all types of consumer electronic products.
McWong’s TruBlu Bluetooth mesh Fixture Controller with Long Range Antenna won two prestigious Innovation Awards at LightFair: The Technical Innovation Award and a Control Components & Hardware Category Award.
Controls, Products + Technology
At LightFair (LFI). David met with Dan Hollenkamp, COO of Toggled. Dan provided a product demonstration of their advanced, yet simple, wireless networked lighting control system, Toggled iQ.
Controls, Interviews + Opinion
David recently had the pleasure of interviewing John Arthur Wilson, a lighting control and utility rebate consultant, about his 2021 market research into wireless lighting controls. That research resulted in a learning guide that can be used to support basic education around wireless trends in lighting. The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) has published that document on their Better Bricks website, available to the public.
Research conducted in 2020 indicates that the control of light impacts indoor environmental quality (IEQ)-productivity belief more than other IEQ control.
Controls, Craig’s Lighting Articles
My contribution to the May issue of tED Magazine evaluates luminaire-level lighting controls (LLLC) as a control solution and potential path for designing and installing networked lighting control systems.
Enlighted, A Siemens Company has publicly released a partial version of Verdantix’s new whitepaper, Green Quadrant: IoT Platforms for Smart Buildings 2022.