
Controls, Education + Resources

DLC Published Lighting Controls Best Practices Guide

      The Design Lights Consortium (DLC) has published a new Lighting Controls Best Practices document that explains five basic networked lighting control (NLC) strategies: dimming, high-end trim, occupancy/vacancy sensing, scheduling, and daylight harvesting and gives an overview of how to implement them to maximize energy savings. The guide is written to describe each [...]

Codes + Standards, Controls

TALQ Consortium Releases Version 2.6.0 Smart City Protocol

In mid-April, the TALQ Consortium released a new version 2.6.0 of its Smart City Protocol. Version 2.6.0 introduces a new Cabinet Control profile, an extension of active periods and new commands for color lights – the latter being aligned with the DALI-2 (IEC 82386) Part 209 definition. The updated TALQ protocol (both data model and [...]

Agriculture, Controls

Lighting+HVAC Integration Also Occurring In Greenhouses

  To improve greenhouse management, Sollum Technologies announced a new strategic partnership with Damatex climate control systems. This collaboration combines the greenhouse lighting control features of Sollum’s proprietary SUN as a Service® cloud platform (SUNaaS®) with Damatex’s advanced climate control systems. The benefits are all about simplifying clients’ daily operations. The synchronization of both control platforms consolidates multiple functions [...]

Controls, Products + Technology

PoE Lighting Leader Pursues The IoD…..Internet Of Desks

MHT Technologies, a leader in Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) lighting, has released Inspextor Smart Desk, a PoE connected, adjustable-height desk that monitors its surroundings, and communicates through the Inspextor cloud-based software / app. The desk can communicate with different building or workplace management systems. Office workers can select an available desk based on their preferences, whether location, [...]

Controls, Events

Updates On NYControlled & The DLC Controls Summit

    Two lighting control trade shows + conferences have emerged in the past couple years: 1. NYControlled produced by IESNYC & DLFNY, and 2. the DLC Controls Summit. Here is an update on each. Both are occurring in October, this year.  NYControlled  The 2024 show has been announced for October 29th, 2024, 11am – 7pm [...]

Controls, Products + Technology

How Autani-LiteTrace Does Lighting-HVAC Integration

The lighting controls industry continues to take small steps toward lighting-HVAC controls integration. This post will dig into the new Light Solutions Application Guide from Autani-LiteTrace and give a quick overview of their system’s approach and capabilities. As context, Autani (BMS) and LiteTrace (Keilton Bluetooth lighting controls) merged last year. The merger’s original motivation had [...]

Codes + Standards, Controls

What To Know About The Bluetooth NLC Standard

  Yesterday’s LightNOW post was about the Design Lights Consortium DRAFT Networked Lighting Control v5.1 standard (DLC NLC5.1). This post is about another NLC industry standard, the Bluetooth NLC standard. In September, 2023, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) announced the completion of Bluetooth Networked Lighting Control (NLC), the first full-stack standard for wireless lighting control. [...]

Codes + Standards, Controls

DLC Releases Draft of NLC v5.1 Technical Requirements

  The Design Lights Consortium (DLC) has released their draft of v5.1 Networked Lighting Control technical requirements (NLC5.1). NLC5.1 is a minor revision that contains updates to the policy’s energy monitoring and cybersecurity requirements. There will not be a delisting associated with the policy. Existing listed v5.0 NLC will continue to be DLC listed. Energy Monitoring Updates: [...]

Codes + Standards, Controls

FCC Finalized IoT Cybersecurity Labeling Program

  The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) launched a voluntary cybersecurity labeling program for wireless consumer Internet of Things (IoT) products, including lighting, on March 14, 2024. The program is called the U.S. Cyber Trust Mark Program and it is designed to help consumers make informed purchasing decisions, as well as incentivize manufacturers to meet higher [...]

Controls, Energy + Environment

The Horizons of Lighting-HVAC Controls Integration: A Conversation

By Clifton Stanley Lemon and David Shiller LightNOW published the story, Here Comes The Lighting-HVAC Integration Tsunami, on October 6th 2023. It generated a number of responses, including the beginning of a longer conversation with LightNOW contributor Clifton Stanley Lemon. The salient points of that conversation are below. Clifton What jumped out at me immediately [...]


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