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Codes + Standards

Codes + Standards, Lighting Industry

Updates Coming To DLC SSL & Hort Technical Requirements

The Design Lights Consortium (DLC) has announced changes are coming to the technical requirements for two of its programs. DLC technical requirements are mandated by up to 80% of prescriptive commercial lighting rebate programs, making them critical for manufacturer products to qualify for most rebates. SSL V5.2 & V6.0 The DLC has announced two phases [...]

Codes + Standards, Controls

Bluetooth SIG Adopts Bluetooth Core Specification v6.0

The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has adopted a new version of the Bluetooth Core Specification (v6.0). The new v6.0 BT Core Spec includes a variety of new features and enhancements: Bluetooth® Channel Sounding: This feature enables distance awareness, for Find My solutions, making it easier and faster to locate lost items. Decision-Based Advertising Filtering: Decision-based advertising filtering [...]

Codes + Standards

What You Should Know About ISO 15118

  It’s no secret that the lighting industry is increasingly selling electrification products, including EV chargers. The ISO 15118-1:2019 standard, “Road Vehicles – Vehicle to grid communication interface” is one of the most important EV charger standards in the world, today. The smart charging requirements in ISO 15118 enable matching the grid’s capacity and the [...]

Codes + Standards, Energy + Environment

GLA White Paper On Harmonizing LCAs & EPDs For Lighting

The Global Lighting Association (GLA) has published a white paper, Implementing Internationally Harmonised Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) & Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) For Lighting Products. The international drive for product sustainability has created LCAs and EPDs as tools for quantifying and communicating the environmental impacts of many types of products. LCAs and EPDs are now [...]

Codes + Standards, Lighting Industry

Four Paths To UL Safety Listing

By Patrick Treadway, President, Syndesis LLC “UL is a government agency” the supplier was trying to explain to me over the phone, “we don’t want to break a law,” he concluded. If anyone has been engaged in product development using offshore manufacturing long enough, he or she has likely heard similar remarks. Another comment heard [...]

Codes + Standards

UL 1993 Safety Standard Updated

In May, UL published the Sixth Edition of ANSI/UL 1993, dated May 17, 2024. UL 1993 is the most important safety standard for lamps / light bulbs. The standard covers both self-ballasted lamps and self-ballasted lamp adapters rated 120-347VAC nominal for connection to screw-base, pin-base, or recessed single contact (RSC or R7) lampholders. These devices [...]

Codes + Standards, Light + Health

Lighting Changes In The Fitwel Healthy Building Standard v3

On June 4, 2024, Fitwel, a leading global healthy building certification, released Version 3 (“v3”) of its standard. This update strives to incorporate the latest public health research to optimize real estate assets for health and quality of life, future-proof them for climate adaptation, and maximize real estate value. Overall, the Fitwel standard is guided [...]

Codes + Standards, Controls

DLC Releases Final NLC5.1 Technical Requirements

The Design Lights Consortium (DLC) has released their final version of v5.1 Networked Lighting Control technical requirements (NLC5.1). NLC5.1 is a minor revision that contains updates to the policy’s energy monitoring and cybersecurity requirements. There will not be a delisting associated with the policy. Existing listed v5.0 NLC will continue to be DLC listed. Cybersecurity Updates: Now [...]

Codes + Standards

IES Approves Updated LM-79 Standard / Test Method

One of the most important standards in the lighting industry is LM-79 that defines the electrical and photometric test methods for most LED lamps and fixtures. The IES has updated ANSI/IES LM-79-24 Approved Method: Optical and Electrical Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products. Changes have been made to update information and provide better guidance based on information [...]

Codes + Standards, Controls

TALQ Consortium Releases Version 2.6.0 Smart City Protocol

In mid-April, the TALQ Consortium released a new version 2.6.0 of its Smart City Protocol. Version 2.6.0 introduces a new Cabinet Control profile, an extension of active periods and new commands for color lights – the latter being aligned with the DALI-2 (IEC 82386) Part 209 definition. The updated TALQ protocol (both data model and [...]


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