Codes + Standards

Codes + Standards

ASHRAE/IES Publish 2013 Energy Standard

ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, incorporates 110 addenda, reflecting changes made through the public review process. Appendix F gives brief descriptions and publication dates of the addenda to 90.1-2010 reflected in this new edition. “While many things have changed since the first version of Standard 90 was published in [...]

Codes + Standards, Lighting Design

IES Publishes New Edition of RP-1, Recommended Practice for Office Lighting

The IES recommended practice for office lighting has undergone a major revision for the 2013 edition, including new material addressing recent changes in office environments such as computer-based tasks, new office layouts, new light source and control strategies, etc. Check it out here.

Codes + Standards

Jim Brodrick on SSL Standards

Republication of Postings from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solid-State Lighting Program by Jim Brodrick, U.S. Department of Energy In the world of SSL, the unsung heroes who develop the standards and test methods that consistently characterize product performance and ensure safety have been at it for nearly a decade, under the auspices of [...]

Codes + Standards

Proposed Systems Manual Guideline Open for Public Review

A proposed guideline that will establish a uniform procedure for transmitting design, construction, testing and operational information to building owners and operators is open for public comment. ASHRAE Standard 202P, Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems and other ASHRAE guidelines on commissioning require development of a systems manual, as do several other standards and energy- [...]

Codes + Standards

NEMA Publishes ANSI C136.20 American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting—Fiber-Reinforced Composite (FRC) Lighting Poles

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has published ANSI C136.20, American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting—Fiber-Reinforced Composite (FRC) Lighting Poles. This standard applies to fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) lighting poles used for roadway and area lighting. It includes nomenclature, dimensional data, performance criteria and some interchangeability features for standard poles as well as those [...]

Codes + Standards

IES Publishes Approved Method for Photometry of Reflector Type Lamps (LM-20-13)

The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES) recently announced publication of IES Approved Method for Photometry of Reflector Type Lamps (LM-20-13), the latest in a continuing series of Lighting Measurement Testing & Calculation Guides. This method describes photometric testing procedures and reporting guidelines for reflector-type lamps. It is intended that these procedures and guidelines [...]

Codes + Standards, LED + SSL

California to Base LED Lamp Rebate Programs on Quality Specification

The California Energy Commission (CEC) has published a voluntary quality specification for omnidirectional and directional LED replacement lamps intended to replace screwbase incandescent lamps in light fixtures other than colored lamps, light strips and rope lights, linear pin-based lamps and integrated light fixtures. Research conducted by the California Lighting Technology Center resulted in two conclusions. [...]

Codes + Standards

New Report Provides Both Roadmap and Rationale for Utility Participation in Building Codes Implementation

Building energy codes offer an attractive energy savings opportunity for utility efficiency programs, particularly now that there are new approaches to quantify the savings from code compliance efforts, according to Building Energy Code Advancement through Utility Support and Engagement, a report issued by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE). The report recommends ways [...]

Codes + Standards

NEMA Publishes ANSI ANSLG C78.377 Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State Lighting Products

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has published ANSI ANSLG C38.377 Specifications for the Chromaticity of Solid State Lighting Products. This publication specifies the range of chromaticities recommended for general lighting with solid state lighting (SSL) products and advises customers of their white light chromaticities. This vital information applies to chromaticity standards and definitions and [...]

Codes + Standards, LED + SSL

Zhaga Specifications Promise Interchangeability of LED Sources

Below is an article I wrote about Zhaga, originally published in the October 2012 issue of TED: In a traditional light fixture, lamps, auxiliary components such as ballasts, and the fixture itself connect using standard interfaces, providing three key benefits. Manufacturers can specialize in what they do best—lamp, ballast/transformer or fixture design, facilitating product development. [...]


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