Codes + Standards

Codes + Standards, Events

DOE Announces Energy Codes Conference

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Building Energy Codes Program recently announced the 2021 National Energy Codes Conference will take place July 20-22, 2021. This year’s conference will be presented in a virtual forum and free to for all to attend.

Codes + Standards

DLC Develops Draft Policy for Night Lighting

The DesignLights Consortium recently introduced the first draft of Light Usage for Night Applications (LUNA), which establishes performance thresholds for specific categories of outdoor lighting in order to minimize light pollution and energy consumption, provide appropriate visibility for people, and limit negative impacts to the environment.

Codes + Standards

DOE Issues Preliminary Determination of Energy Savings for Commercial Buildings

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced its preliminary determination of energy savings for ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019, preliminarily affirming that the updated code will increase energy efficiency in commercial buildings.

Codes + Standards

NEMA Publishes New Standard for LED Replacement Lamps

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) recently published NEMA LL 10-2020 Replacing HID Lamps with LED Lamps: Light Output Equivalency Claims. This new Standard assists manufacturers in preparing HID equivalency claims for LED products replacing HID lamps.

Codes + Standards

DesignLights Consortium Releases Second Draft of Update to Technical Requirements for Horticultural Lighting

The DesignLights Consortium (DLC) recently released the second draft of updated Technical Requirements for Horticultural Lighting (Version 2.1). Scheduled to take effect on July 1, the proposed changes would establish Qualified Products List (QPL) eligibility for three additional product types. Comments on the proposal are due by April 9.

Codes + Standards

DLC Delists Solid-State Lighting Products Non-Compliant with V5.0 Technical Requirements

On February 28, the DesignLights Consortium delisted all products that have not been updated to comply with newer solid-state lighting performance standards from its Qualified Products List (QPL).

Codes + Standards

CLTC Publishes Education Videos for California Title 24

The California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) recently released new videos introducing California’s 2019 Title 24, Part 6 lighting requirements.

Codes + Standards

NBI Releases Code Language that Achieves Carbon Neutral Buildings

The New Buildings Institute (NBI) recently released new code language that serves as a building decarbonization overlay to the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). The Building Decarbonization Code is a tool aiming to deliver carbon neutral performance. It also offers market insight into rules that will determine how new buildings are designed and constructed in the future in order to curb the worst impacts of climate change.

Codes + Standards

ICC Launches Code Adoption Online Tool

The International Code Council recently launched online tools showing building code adoption in the United States and globally.

Codes + Standards

International Code Council Releases IECC 2021

Estimated to be 10% more energy-efficient than the 2018 version, 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) is now available for purchase.


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