David Shiller

Controls, Products + Technology

What Is Ultra Wideband And What Could It Mean For Lighting?

Ultra Wideband (UWB) is a wireless communication protocol that operates over short distances, much like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. What makes it different is that the technology operates in the higher frequency bands of radio waves and across a wide bandwidth, hence the name. It has some useful and unique abilities, such as being able to [...]

Energy + Environment, Research

New Photocatalyst Could Revolutionize Green Hydrogen And Ammonia

The field of photocatalysis chemistry is producing important breakthroughs in industrial chemistry. In July, LightNOW reported on a new photocatalyst revolutionizing the conversion of methane into liquid methanol, here. Now Rice University researchers have created a small, LED-powered device that converts ammonia to hydrogen on the fly Ammonia might carry hydrogen exceptionally well, but if [...]

Education + Resources, Events

Free Webinar On Lighting And Smart Buildings

PG&E is sponsoring a free live webinar featuring some of the top experts in the country on the future of smart buildings. It is titled Lighting and Smart Buildings: Opportunities, Case Studies, & Better Practices. It will present a history, overview, and a report on the current state of building controls integration. The webinar will [...]

Agriculture, Lighting Industry

Horticultural Lighting Market To Grow As Three More States Legalize Recreational Cannabis

The November mid-term elections were not just politically consequential. They also ushered in cannabis legalization in Maryland and Missouri. Earlier this year, Rhode Island’s legislature and governor enacted legislation legalizing recreational cannabis, as well. These latest three states bring the number of states with legalized recreational cannabis to 21, plus Washington, D.C. and Guam. That [...]

Construction + Economy, Lighting Industry

Infrastructure Law & Construction Safety To Spur The Mobile Light Tower Market

One year ago, the Federal Infrastructure Law was passed by Congress and signed by President Biden. One expected result is significant growth in the mobile light tower market. In a recent market research report from Allied Market Research, the global mobile light tower market size was valued at $1.9 Billion in 2021, and is projected [...]

Agriculture, Energy + Environment

Ontario Offering New LED Grow Light Incentives To SW Ontario Greenhouses

The Ontario provincial government announced new funding to help greenhouses switch from traditional lighting sources to LEDs. 

Awards, Products + Technology

IES Publishes The 2022 Progress Report Recognizing Industry Innovation

The IES Progress Committee has published its selection of 81 products, design tools, and publications for the 2022 IES Progress Report

Energy + Environment, Products + Technology

Laser Surface Finishing Technology Creates Bio-Inspired, Optical Functional Surfaces

German company Fusion Bionic’s laser technology improves the surface performance of products, applications, and components using their new DLIP – Direct Laser Interference Patterning.

Codes + Standards

IES Approves Seven Standards

The IES announced the publication of seven recently approved standards.

Agriculture, Codes + Standards

DLC Horticultural Lighting Technical Requirements V3.0 Final Will Be Released November 30, 2022

On Wednesday, November 30, the DLC will release the final version of the horticultural lighting Technical Requirements V3.0 to support the acceleration of energy efficient lighting in controlled environment agriculture (CEA).

Evluma RoadMax


ArchLIGHT Summit
American Lighting Association Annual Conference
SALC IES – Street & Area Lighting Conference
DLC Controls Summit
IALD Enlighten Americas
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