Current LED Lighting for Data Centers

Craig DiLouie

Products + Technology

Product Monday: Color-Tunable Facade and Area Luminaire by Acclaim

Acclaim Lighting’s Dyna Drum SO Series consists of high-output, high-efficient outdoor rated white, multi- and quad-color luminaires for façade and area lighting applications. All of the units feature an internal 100-277VAC power supply, onboard DMX+RDM driver and Aria wireless DMX technology for maximum lighting control.


Zhaga Summit Coming September 23, 2020 in Bregenz

Luger Research and Zhaga have announced that the 2020 LpS/TiL conference will host a Zhaga summit. This one-day event will provide application-driven introductions to the latest Zhaga standards, review their market reception, and solicit inputs from the specifier community through workshops.

Education + Resources

Rocky Mountain Lighting Academy Announces Summer Lighting Courses

The Rocky Mountain Lighting Academy (RMLA) recently announced its 2020 lighting courses. The RMLA Technical Course and the RMLA Design Course are offered concurrently from June 4 – 7.

Construction + Economy, Craig’s Lighting Articles

Construction Forecast 2020

The outlook for construction spending in 2020-21 is positive but lower than 2019. The AIA’s semi-annual Consensus Construction Forecast, a survey of the nation’s leading construction forecasters, is projecting 1.5% growth in nonresidential construction spending in 2020 and 1% in 2021.

Craig’s Lighting Articles, Legislation + Regulation


My contribution to the January issue of ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR took a look at the Department of Energy’s recent action on general-service lamp energy standards and its interpretation of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007’s backstop rule.

Products + Technology

Product Monday: Microcylinder Series

Meteor Lighting’s DOT microcylinder series is available in true 1.5-, 2.5-, and 3.5-inch aperture housings.

Codes + Standards, Legislation + Regulation

Guidance on 2019 Changes to Lighting Rules in California

California’s 2019 lighting standards and regulations went into effect January 1, 2020. The 2019 changes include updates to both the Appliance Efficiency Regulations and Building Energy Efficiency Standards.

Lighting Industry

Registration Open for LIGHTFAIR 2020

Registration is open for the LightFair 2020 conference and tradeshow, May 3 – 7, 2020 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Awards, Controls

2020 Lighting and Homes for Tomorrow, Connected Home Competition Launches

The Lighting & Homes for Tomorrow (LHFT) competition presents manufacturers the opportunity to distinguish their products and services from other connected home devices and platforms in the market.

Light + Health

IALD Launches New Guidelines for Manufacturers for WELL Rating Systems

In collaboration with the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI), the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) has launched guidelines for lighting manufacturers to help lighting designers more easily determine if their designs meet the WELL Building Standard criteria. The WELL v2™ pilot is the latest version of the WELL Building Standard, a rating system that focuses exclusively on the way that buildings and everything in them—including lighting—can improve our comfort and enhance our health and wellness.

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