Codes + Standards, Research

CIE Defines Research Priorities In Strategy Document

CIE Defines Research Priorities In Strategy Document


The International Commission on Illumination (CIE) is a global non-profit organization dedicated to advancing knowledge and standardization in lighting. The CIE Research Strategy 2023 outlines key research priorities for advancing the science and application of light and lighting. The Research Strategy identifies critical topics for researchers to study to support future CIE reports and standards. The 2023 edition aims to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Overarching Themes

  1. Digital Transformation of Metrology, Science, and Industry
    • Supports SDGs related to infrastructure, sustainable cities, responsible consumption
    • Calls for researchers to use internationally accepted data models and reporting guidelines
    • Aims to develop uniform data exchange formats based on the International System of Units (SI)
    • Towards Inclusive, Equitable Lighting
  2. Recognizes past research often used limited samples, leading to unintended inequities
    • Recognizes past research often used limited samples, leading to unintended inequities
    • Recommends researchers include diverse samples in terms of age, gender, visual capabilities, cultural identities, etc.
    • Encourages diversity in research settings, tasks, and outcome measures
    • Promotes diversity within research teams

Topical Themes

  1. Advances in Measurement & Calibration
    • Supports SDGs on economic growth and responsible production
    • Identifies need for new LED-based calibration sources to replace incandescent lamps
    • Calls for improved measurement of temporal light modulation and glare
  1. Integrative Lighting for People
    • Focuses on non-visual effects of light on human health and wellbeing
    • Seeks to understand impacts of light exposure timing, intensity, spectrum, and duration
    • Aims to develop personalized lighting recommendations
  1. Ecologically Respectful, High-Quality Exterior Lighting
    • Addresses light pollution and its effects on ecosystems
    • Calls for research on species-specific responses to artificial light
    • Seeks to balance human needs with environmental protection
  2. Fundamentals of Photobiology for Agriculture and Aquaculture
      • Aims to optimize light for plant and animal growth
      • Seeks to understand species-specific responses to light quality, quantity, and timing
      • Focuses on energy-efficient and sustainable lighting solutions
  1. Enabling the Application of Safe & Beneficial Optical Radiation
    • Addresses the use of optical radiation for health applications
    • Calls for research on safety limits and efficacy of various treatments
    • Seeks to develop guidelines for emerging technologies like wearable light therapy devices
  1. Measuring, Modelling, Perceiving and Reproducing Color
    • Focuses on improving color science and technology
    • Calls for research on individual differences in color perception
    • Seeks to develop improved color appearance models and reproduction techniques

Key Recommendations

  1. Practice inclusive science by ensuring diverse research samples and characterizing participants comprehensively.
  2. Include researchers and participants from underrepresented regions and groups.
  3. Incorporate diverse settings, tasks, and outcome measures in research designs.
  4. Be mindful of equity and diversity in research team composition.
  5. Collect data according to internationally accepted models and report using FAIR principles.
  6. Develop new LED-based calibration sources for photometry and colorimetry.
  7. Advance understanding of non-visual effects of light on human health and wellbeing.
  8. Research ecological impacts of artificial light at night and develop mitigation strategies.
  9. Optimize lighting for sustainable agriculture and aquaculture.
  10. Investigate safety and efficacy of optical radiation for health applications.
  11. Improve color science and technology, accounting for individual differences in perception.

The CIE emphasizes that addressing these research priorities is crucial for navigating current global challenges and contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The organization calls on research funders to create opportunities for researchers to address these topics and encourages researchers to participate in relevant CIE Technical Committees as part of their knowledge mobilization efforts.

The full CIE research strategy document can be found here.

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David Shiller
David Shiller is the Publisher of LightNOW, and President of Lighting Solution Development, a North American consulting firm providing business development services to advanced lighting manufacturers. The ALA awarded David the Pillar of the Industry Award. David has co-chaired ALA’s Engineering Committee since 2010. David established MaxLite’s OEM component sales into a multi-million dollar division. He invented GU24 lamps while leading ENERGY STAR lighting programs for the US EPA. David has been published in leading lighting publications, including LD+A, enLIGHTenment Magazine, LEDs Magazine, and more.


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