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Light + Health

NASA-Inspired Red Light Sleep Devices Gain In Popularity

NASA-Inspired Red Light Sleep Devices Gain In Popularity


One of the latest crazes in sleep gadgets is red light sleep devices. The trend was inspired by NASA red light sleep devices for astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS system turns on blue lights to simulate morning and help astronauts wake up, white light to create daytime, and red light to create night and improve sleep (source).

Back on Earth, more and more red light sleep devices are being offered and purchased to improve sleep. Unfortunately, on Earth, the scientific evidence of improved sleep from red lights is very limited. Some devices are claiming red light around 630 nm wavelength could help stimulate melatonin production, simulating a sunset. The evidence of effectiveness is insufficient, and much more research is needed.

More information is available here.

Image: Google Shopping


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David Shiller
David Shiller is the Publisher of LightNOW, and President of Lighting Solution Development, a North American consulting firm providing business development services to advanced lighting manufacturers. The ALA awarded David the Pillar of the Industry Award. David has co-chaired ALA’s Engineering Committee since 2010. David established MaxLite’s OEM component sales into a multi-million dollar division. He invented GU24 lamps while leading ENERGY STAR lighting programs for the US EPA. David has been published in leading lighting publications, including LD+A, enLIGHTenment Magazine, LEDs Magazine, and more.


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