IES has published ANSI/IES RP-46-23, Recommended Practice: Supporting the Physiological and Behavioral Effects of Lighting in Interior Daytime Environments. It is designed to be a companion to IES TM-18, translating the basic science of how light affects visual, circadian, neuroendocrine, and neurobehavioral responses in daytime interior environments, such as schools and offices. This recommended practice (RP) is intended for lighting practitioners, designers, architects, members of the educational community, utilities, government, and the general public.
1.0 Introduction and Scope
2.0 Definitions
3.0 Circadian, Neuroendocrine and Neurobehavioral Responses to Light
4.0 Measurement of Light for Physiological Responses
5.0 Lighting to Enhance Circadian Entrainment, Alertness, and Performance In Daytime Environments
More information, including purchasing RP-46-23, can be found here.
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