Lighting Design, Products + Technology

Tweener: Eliminating Poles From Tennis Court Lighting

Tweener: Eliminating Poles From Tennis Court Lighting


A fun find at LEDucation was Tweener. As I walked by their table, I looked over for the one-second scan to put them in a category, and I was stumped. I had to stop and hear the pitch.

Tweener is an alternative way to light tennis and pickleball courts. It uses linear LED fixtures along the top of a new or existing fence, instead of traditional pole-mounted sports lighters / highmast lights. The system was developed by NLX in France. This new approach to tennis court lighting has some advantages:

No Poles

The system can eliminate the need for large concrete footers, lighting poles, lift rental, and engineering.


One to two-day self-installation using basic tools and 8-foot ladders at a mounting height of 9-10 feet. Turnkey installation proposals are also an option.

Complete Coverage

One Tweener lighting system can be used to light 1-2 tennis courts or 1-6 pickleball courts. A uniformity ratio of 1.6 for a single system and 2.76 for a double system (two opposing fence lines), providing full court lighting coverage, including high balls and lobs.

A single system lighting one tennis court delivers 300 lux (32 average FC), 185,200 lumens, using 2,200W. A double system provides 250 lux (34 average FC), 370,400 lumens, using 4,400W.

Reduced Spill Light

The system emits less than one foot-candle of light spillage outside the fence line.

Cost Reduction

Tweener claims a 30% savings in materials and installation costs for a single court. They claim a 50% savings on materials and installation costs for a battery of two courts.

More information on Tweener can be found here.


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David Shiller
David Shiller is the Publisher of LightNOW, and President of Lighting Solution Development, a North American consulting firm providing business development services to advanced lighting manufacturers. The ALA awarded David the Pillar of the Industry Award. David has co-chaired ALA’s Engineering Committee since 2010. David established MaxLite’s OEM component sales into a multi-million dollar division. He invented GU24 lamps while leading ENERGY STAR lighting programs for the US EPA. David has been published in leading lighting publications, including LD+A, enLIGHTenment Magazine, LEDs Magazine, and more.


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