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Dark Sky, Products + Technology

Growth In Turtle-Friendly Tape Light

Turtle Friendly Tape Light Omni Light

While turtle-friendly lighting isn’t new, there has been rapid growth in turtle-friendly tape light, from leading manufacturers. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) rated lighting can be Red, Orange, and Amber, without wavelengths below 560 nm.

Some manufacturer examples include:

Image: Elemental LED’s Diode LED branded Neon Blaze Turtle Safe diffused linear lighting

Image: Elemental LED’s Diode LED branded Neon Blaze Turtle Safe diffused linear lighting


Image: QTL (formerly Q-Tran) Dome-SC Static Color Flex Light (amber is turtle-friendly)

Image: QTL (formerly Q-Tran) Dome-SC Static Color Flex Light (amber is turtle-friendly)


Image: Lumilum turtle friendly amber tape light

Image: Lumilum turtle friendly amber tape light


Image: American Lighting 620nm “MicroLux 620” turtle-friendly, fully encased, tape light.

Image: American Lighting 620nm “MicroLux 620” turtle-friendly, fully encased, tape light.

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David Shiller
David Shiller is the Publisher of LightNOW, and President of Lighting Solution Development, a North American consulting firm providing business development services to advanced lighting manufacturers. The ALA awarded David the Pillar of the Industry Award. David has co-chaired ALA’s Engineering Committee since 2010. David established MaxLite’s OEM component sales into a multi-million dollar division. He invented GU24 lamps while leading ENERGY STAR lighting programs for the US EPA. David has been published in leading lighting publications, including LD+A, enLIGHTenment Magazine, LEDs Magazine, and more.


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