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Construction + Economy

Mexico Surpasses China As Top US Trade Partner

Mexico Surpasses China As Top US Trade Partner


In mid-July, Mexico passed China to become the U.S.’s largest trading partner. Experts say Mexico’s gains are due to the U.S. strategy of gradual economic decoupling from China. This trend has is also named “Friendshoring,” where trade moves from China to countries like Mexico, India, Vietnam, and other trade partners with less contentious relationships with the U.S.

Canada rounds out the top 3 trade partner list, but has trouble competing with Mexico’s 3X larger and younger population, as well as lower labor costs.

Read the full story in The Hub, here



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David Shiller
David Shiller is the Publisher of LightNOW, and President of Lighting Solution Development, a North American consulting firm providing business development services to advanced lighting manufacturers. The ALA awarded David the Pillar of the Industry Award. David has co-chaired ALA’s Engineering Committee since 2010. David established MaxLite’s OEM component sales into a multi-million dollar division. He invented GU24 lamps while leading ENERGY STAR lighting programs for the US EPA. David has been published in leading lighting publications, including LD+A, enLIGHTenment Magazine, LEDs Magazine, and more.


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