The International WELL Building Institute recently announced the official launch of Version 2 of the WELL Building Standard, following a two-year vetting process.
Since the launch of the WELL v2 pilot in 2018, the revised standard has been market tested by more than 3,300 projects from a wide range of typologies representing more than 413 million square feet across 54 countries. The rating system has undergone a rigorous improvement and refinement process that included a six-month public comment period and formal stakeholder review, thousands of market insights gathered across two phases, plus feedback crowdsourced from nearly 600 leaders and experts from public health, medicine, government, academia and businesses worldwide, as well as the architecture, design, building science and real estate communities, as part of IWBI’s Task Force on COVID-19.
Following this intensive review process and a unanimous graduation vote by esteemed members of the IWBI Governance Council, WELL V2 is now available.
Check it out here.