Light + Health

LightingEurope Calls for UV-C Products to be Allowed on EU Market

LightingEurope endorsed the recent UV-C safety guidelines published by the Global Lighting Association (GLA) and called on European Union Member States to ensure UV-C products can continue to be placed on the EU market.

Germicidal ultraviolet irradiation is a proven methodology for inactivating viruses on solid surfaces, in water and in air, and it is expected to be a useful tool in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The GLA statement provides guidance to manufacturers and to potential users on the requirements UV-C products should satisfy to allow safe use. LightingEurope shares the GLA’s concern at the increase in products, in particular online, with dubious safety features and inadequate safety instructions. While UV-C is helping to contain viruses, if not used properly, it can pose risks to human health.

LightingEurope, however, does not support the intention of the Belgian authorities to ban the placing on the market and use of UV-C Lamps in non-hospital settings, and called on EU Member States not to follow this example.

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Craig DiLouie


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