
Zhaga Summit Coming September 23, 2020 in Bregenz

Luger Research and Zhaga have announced that the 2020 LpS/TiL conference will host a Zhaga summit. This one-day event will provide application-driven introductions to the latest Zhaga standards, review their market reception, and solicit inputs from the specifier community through workshops.

Zhaga is an open industry alliance that supports growth areas in LED lighting through interface specifications based on the inter-related themes of smart and connected lighting, interoperable components and serviceable luminaires.

The Zhaga Summit will put a one-day spotlight on Zhaga and will provide application-driven introductions to the latest Zhaga standards, review their market reception, and solicit inputs from the specifier community through workshops. Topics covered will include smart indoor lighting and smart outdoor lighting, serviceable luminaires and replaceable linear modules, Zhaga and Zhaga-D4i certification, market reception, work-in-progress and roadmaps.

The Zhaga Summit will be co-hosted with the 10th International LED professional Symposium +Expo (LpS 2020) and the 4th International Trends in Lighting Forum &Show (TiL 2020), to take place from September 22nd to 24th in the Opera House, Bregenz. The theme for 2020 will be the third industrial revolution and its impact on the lighting industry. Technologists and designers will come together to forge the future of lighting.

Experts who are interested in holding a talk at the Zhaga Summit may contact Zhaga directly, or submit their abstract through the LpS/TiL websites under the Call for Papers/Speakers. Early registration through the LpS/Til website is encouraged.

Click here to learn more.

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Craig DiLouie


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