
DOE Announces RFI on Lighting Research and Development Opportunities

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Building Technologies Office (BTO) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) (DE-FOA-0002160) to seek broad stakeholder input to inform the strategic direction of the DOE lighting research and development (R&D) portfolio. The purpose of the RFI is to better understand how lighting research goals can be refined to reflect evolving technology needs and inform related R&D activities.

BTO’s Lighting R&D Program aims to drive the development of advanced lighting solutions through innovative, early-stage R&D. This research supports BTO’s overall goal to improve the energy productivity of buildings without sacrificing occupant comfort or product performance. The program is guided by the Lighting R&D Opportunities (RDO) report, which is updated annually with input gathered from the U.S. lighting science R&D community, the annual DOE Lighting R&D Workshop, and ongoing engagement with lighting researchers.

The Lighting RFI is requesting stakeholders to:

  • Provide critical input on current Lighting R&D Program direction, activities, and opportunities.
  • Identify impactful lighting R&D opportunities within general illumination that are absent (or underrepresented) in the 2018 DOE Solid-State Lighting RDO document.
  • Identify impactful lighting R&D opportunities where immediate applications are beyond general illumination but have potential to help save energy in the built environment.

Stakeholder responses to the RFI will inform updates to future editions of the RDO, and ultimately, the strategic direction of the lighting portfolio moving forward.

How to respond to this RFI:

(This RFI is not a Funding Opportunity Announcement; therefore, EERE is not accepting applications at this time.)

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Craig DiLouie


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