Codes + Standards

ASHRAE/IES Publish 90.1-2016 Energy Efficiency Standard

90-1ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016, Energy Efficiency Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, contains 125 addenda published since the 2013 standard. The 2013 standard currently serves as the commercial building reference standard for state building energy codes. This 2016 version is the 10th edition published since the original standard was first published in 1975 during the energy crisis of the United States.

The standard has made significant formatting changes to improve its use. These include a one-column format for easier reading; exceptions separated and indented, set apart with a smaller font size; all defined terms are italicized; and alternating coloring scheme for table rows.

For lighting, the major changes include:

  • Modified control requirements that make the application of advanced lighting controls easier for increased energy savings
  • Modification of exterior and interior lighting power densities that reflect the efficiency gains from LED technology in specific applications where they are proven to be effective
  • Added minimum requirements for lighting in dwelling units to set limits on light source efficacy
  • Added additional control for lighting in parking areas based on occupancy to reduce energy use

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Craig DiLouie


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