
2015 Next Generation Luminaires Design Competition: Call for Submittals


The 2015 Next Generation Luminaires Indoor and Outdoor Competitions have both officially launched. Written Intents to Submit are due on December 31, 2014, and both judging events will take place in March 2015.

NEW FOR 2015: Concurrent competitions, with both Indoor and Outdoor winners announced at LIGHTFAIR 2015.

In order to maximize NGL’s value to specifiers and manufacturers, the number of categories has been reduced and a more in-depth approach taken. In 2015, both competitions will focus on controllability and serviceability, and will incorporate significantly more stringent efficacy requirements and more authentic installations.

But as always, a product’s overall specifiability will remain central to its recognition by the judges, with the bar set high on a wide range of performance parameters.

Download Entrant Guides:

2015 NGL Outdoor Design Competition Entrant Guide
2015 NGL Indoor Design Competition Entrant Guide

Find complete details on the new approach and 2015 categories, as well as competition information and forms, at the NGL website. There is no fee for participation or limit on the number of products entered.

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Craig DiLouie


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