Controls, Lighting Design

New Efficient Lighting and Controls Design Certification? Take the NALCAC Survey

Update: I’ve been hearing some people had problems opening the survey link. Not sure what the problem might be, but everything is testing out here on Windows 7 with both Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome. The link is

On behalf of the Lighting Controls Association, I have been supporting the efforts of an exploratory committee investigating the utility of a new design certification related to energy-efficient lighting and controls. To get as much input as possible from the industry on this certification, the committee is pleased to invite LightNOW’s visitors and more than 17,000 monthly subscribers to take a short survey.

The below letter from Jim Benya provides more detail:

From James R. Benya, PE, FIES, FIALD, director of the Advanced Lighting Design Program at the CLTC:

Under the leadership and interim Project Management of Southern California Edison, the National Advanced Lighting and Controls Applications Certification (NALCAC) project is now underway. The goal of the project is to develop a new national lighting education and certification program that ensures that providers of professional services in lighting applications are capable of creating and implementing advanced projects that properly apply efficient lighting and lighting controls system. The project is modeled on the experience-based outcome of the California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program (CALCTP) in which program graduates consistently achieved significantly better results than the prevailing normal work on advanced lighting controls.

The National Advanced Lighting and Controls Applications Certification (NALCAC) is seen as being in addition to existing certifications and/or licenses such as LC or PE. This is a natural progression planned when the NCQLP was founded, and with the dramatic acceleration in the development of solid state lighting as well as the dire need to dramatically reduce energy use, it is time for this advanced certification program.

Currently, two major tasks are being undertaken. The Body of Knowledge Committee, led by Fred Oberkircher, has been working to produce a new Body of Knowledge report that will serve as the basis of the certification process. The Jobs Analysis Committee, led by Bernie Bauer, has been working to produce a new jobs analysis that will be used to inform both the Curriculum Committee, which will start early next year, and the Test Committee, which will start in spring, 2013.

Bernie and the Jobs Analysis Committee are charged with creating a state of the art, current jobs analysis for those who apply lighting. This includes those who design lighting as well as those who lay-out and plan everyday lighting systems. Like NCQLP and the LC, the NALCAC certification will cross boundaries of job title, society memberships and employment situation. It is very important that the committee understands all of the technical and application duties of advanced lighting and controls. This is where you can help.

Please take a few minutes to participate in the NALCAC survey. Your input will be used to create the best possible list of jobs and duties, and to weigh them for teaching and testing purposes. The entire lighting industry will benefit from this work and your contribution.

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Craig DiLouie


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