Naturaled Built-in Z10 Receptacle

Light + Art

Syska Hennessy Illuminates San Diego Banner Art Display

Syska Hennessy Group, Inc. has completed a lighting design project to illuminate the new “Banner Art” display for the Port of San Diego.


In 2006, the Port of San Diego commissioned artist John Banks to create a new sculpture for the Imperial Beach Art Walk at Beach Boulevard and Seacoast Drive, and Syska Hennessy Group was engaged to illuminate the sculpture to increase visibility and prominence in the evening.

Titled, “Banner Art”, this 20-ft. abstract steel sculpture consists of three equally spaced vertical steel poles (8-inch diameter) that rise to a height of over 20 ft. The upper part of each element is bent into different shaped wavy forms as if blowing in the wind, like banners. Viewed from any angle but one, the artwork looks entirely abstract; but when viewed from one particular spot (called the “sweet spot”) near the corner of Seacoast Avenue & Imperial Beach Boulevard (about 150 feet from the artwork) the piece clearly spells the word “ART” in bold capital letters.

Syska Hennessy Group’s lighting designers developed plans to light the project from the ground, as well as adjacent and surrounding palm trees to frame the piece. The team selected high-efficiency low-wattage metal halide luminaires to minimize energy consumption and maintenance.

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Craig DiLouie


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